Page 35 of Her Two Lovers
Dale ripped his mouth away. “Damn, I can’t even kiss you without losing my mind.”
Her nerves settled—a bit—and she let out a laugh. “And that’s a bad thing?”
“No. No, not at all.” He sat back down next to her and took her hand, massaging each finger. “I want to give you everything, darlin’. You’re so damn special to me. And there’s somethin’ I can give you that… Well, I don’t know if you want it.”
“I’d love anything you gave me, Dale.” Especially if it’s circular in shape and symbolizes forever.
He smiled, his eyes crinkling. “Travis is attracted to you, darlin’, and the two of us, well… We’d like to make love to you, if you’re willin’.”
Ice prickled Jill’s skin, even as her pussy warmed. She was taken aback, but also turned on. Two men? Two hot men? But she was in love with Dale. Why would he want this? And was it wrong for the idea to intrigue her? Make her hot? Because it did indeed make her hot, despite her feelings for Dale, and Dale alone.
“You would share me?”
He lifted her hand and gently slid his lips across her palm.
Her tummy fluttered.
“It’s not sharing you, not really. It’s giving you a night of pleasure. Pure, unadulterated pleasure. Something I can’t give you alone. Two mouths to kiss you. Two cocks to fuck you, darlin’. But if you don’t want it, that’s okay.”
“And you’ve…you’ve done this before?”
“And enjoyed it?”
“Yes. I’ve enjoyed giving a woman that amount of pleasure. And the woman has always been extremely satisfied.”
A knife of jealousy stabbed her. She didn’t like thinking of Dale with other women. But heck, she was no virgin herself. Of course he’d had other women before her. She nervously swiped at the beads of condensation on her glass of lemonade.
“And you and Travis don’t…with each other?”
He smiled, and a chuckle escaped. “No, darlin’. That’s not what this is about. We both love givin’ a woman the ultimate sexual experience. It’s for you, not for us.” He let out a shaky laugh. “Well, a little for us, I guess. I’d love seein’ you like that, Jill. I’d love to be able to give it to you.”
Naked between two beautiful men? The idea had merit. Ménages had starred in her fantasies on more than one occasion. But with Dale? The man she loved? He looked at it as a gift. Something he wanted to give her. And though she wanted to accept—oh yeah, she really wanted to accept—would it change his opinion of her? Would he look at her the same way afterward? Would he ever fall in love with her, feel about her the way she did about him?
Jill gulped the rest of her drink and handed the glass to Dale. “No more. At least not laced.”
“Okay, Jill.” Dale’s tone reeked of resignation. “I understand.”
“I’m not sure you do,” she said, as she feathered her fingers over his forearms, his sinewy muscle tripping her pulse.
She was wet. She wanted this. An experience she’d never forget. A precious gift from the man she loved.
And if he couldn’t love her back? She’d relish this night. And tomorrow she’d pick herself up, dust herself off, and take that job offer.
“I don’t want to be drunk tonight, Dale. I want to feel every slide of those four hands, every pucker of those two mouths, every thrust of those two big cocks.”
He smiled. “I promise you, darlin’, this’ll be a night you’ll never forget.”
* * *
“Any ground rules?” Travis asked, as four strong and capable hands gently peeled the clothes from Jill’s body.
A soft summer breeze cooled the Wyoming summer night, and the moon veiled the threesome in delicate light. Dale’s backyard was enclosed, private, and carpeted with soft grass. The men had laid a king-sized cotton throw on the ground. When Dale didn’t answer right away, Jill’s flesh heated. Ground rules? What were they talking about?
“You can do whatever she wants you to do,” Dale said. “But her ass is mine.”