Page 33 of Her Two Lovers
Naked. Shit, she was still naked.
“Uh, Dale? I need to—”
“Yeah, you sure do, darlin’.” He grabbed her rump and lifted her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. “We’ll be back in a minute, Trav. Fully clothed.”
“Damn,” Travis said. “Can’t say I’ve seen enough of the beauty of my hometown just yet.”
“Yeah, you have,” Dale said, walking back to the bedroom. He looked over his shoulder. “You’ve seen all of Jill you’re gonna see, pal.”
“Don’t be so sure about that, buddy.”
Had Jill imagined the words? Or had they actually come from the gorgeous blond cowboy? She tightened her thighs around Dale’s sexy waist. Didn’t matter anyway. She needed to get dressed and then douse herself with about a gallon of Dale’s honey lemonade. Then maybe go jump into Sweetwater Lake.
And she wasn’t even sure that would cool her off today.
* * *
“It wouldn’t hurt to ask her, you know.”
Dale sprinkled seasoned salt on the three sirloin cuts, flipped them carefully, and poked Jill’s to make sure it wasn’t too done. His girl liked her steak oozing. He turned to Travis and tried to look nonchalant despite the hairs on the back of his neck standing tall.
“She’s a nice girl, Trav. She wouldn’t be into that.”
“Lorna was a nice girl too. Remember? She was my girl, Dale, but you took many turns with her, and it was fun for all of us.”
“That was years ago.”
“Four years, buddy. We had some good times. We were a team.”
“We were team ropers, Travis. Not team fuckers.”
Travis tossed his head back and let out a guffaw. “I seem to recall we did pretty well in the team fuckin’ department too. Lorna never had any complaints, and neither did any of the others.”
“This is different.”
“How so?”
“She’s…” Dale hedged. Words he couldn’t form stuck in the back of his throat.
“I can tell she’s special to you.”
“Yeah.” He cleared his throat and poked at a steak that really didn’t need poking. “Aw hell, I don’t know.”
Travis took a long sip of his honey-lemonade and shook his head. “I never thought I’d see the day.”
“See what day?”
“Nothin’. Never mind.” Travis arched one eyebrow. “This is your chance to give her a hell of a gift, bud. Two huge cocks for the price of one.”
“I’m all the cock she needs. Besides, haven’t we outgrown all that?”
“Outgrown the desire to give a woman the ultimate pleasure? Heck, I sure haven’t. Why not let her make the decision?”
Dale shrugged. He couldn’t deny he’d been aroused at the way Travis had raked his gaze over Jill’s nude body. His sex had stiffened in his drawers and pushed into Jill’s soft flesh. Watching his friend fuck his woman appealed to him on a primal level. But what really turned him on was the thought of offering her something purely physical, purely hedonistic. Purely for her ultimate pleasure, as Travis had said. Would Jill want something like that?
Lorna had wanted them both, and Travis had allowed it. Dale poked the steaks once more and then transferred them to a platter. He looked over his head to see Jill push open the sliding glass door.
“The salad and veggies are ready whenever you two are.” Her smile lit up her gorgeous face, and her auburn hair fell in ringlets around her creamy shoulders.