Page 83 of Sophie's Voice (Sex and the Season 4)
“Your figure is so exquisite I didn’t even notice.” He thumbed her nipples through her gossamer chemise. “It’s a crime to bind these breasts, Sophie. You should never wear a corset again.” He lowered his head and sucked a nipple right through the fabric.
She groaned. Oh, she could climax from his stimulation of her nipples alone! Soon her chemise and drawers joined the dress in the white puddle on the floor.
“Zach, your servants…”
“Shh, love. I gave them the day off for the festival. They won’t bother us.”
He kissed back up her chest to her earlobe and sucked on it. She pulled the billowy pirate shirt he’d worn to the festival out of his britches, reached underneath it, and traced her fingers up his abdomen to his exquisitely golden neck.
With a whoosh, Zach had lifted her and carried her to a doorway like a pirate’s prize. He walked her through a sitting room into a decadent bedchamber. The furniture was dark oak, and a burgundy-and-black Oriental rug covered the wood floors. The bed—oh, the bed—was covered in black silk.
Zach set Sophie gently upon the soft duvet, the silk smooth and cool against her skin. Then he stood, removing his shirt over his head. His chest beckoned her, those copper nipples begging for her touch. She drew him forward and began working on his britches. They were old-style peasant britches, laced with leather cord rather than buttons and a belt. Her hands shaking, she unlaced them and pushed them over his muscular thighs. His erection was apparent underneath his drawers. He fluidly removed
his boots, stockings, and drawers and then knelt beside the bed, spreading her legs.
Soon his tongue was probing her pussy as he feasted on her. Sophie moaned, reaching down and threading her fingers through his silky locks, pushing him farther into her heat.
When the convulsions started deep within her, she released one hand from Zach’s hair and clenched her fist in the silk comforter. Higher and higher she soared, crying out, and when she hit the pinnacle and began her descent, she found her other hand pinching her nipple.
Touching herself—how could anyone think it was bad?
Zach climbed up to her and kissed her, letting her taste their delicate mélange of flavors. Her pussy still throbbing from her climax, she sighed as he lay down beside her and pulled her on top of him.
“Ride me, my love.” He thrust up into her, filling her.
Sweet joining. Sophie again cupped her own breasts, fingered her nipples, tugging at them and pinching them.
“So beautiful when you touch yourself,” Zach rasped. “God, Sophie.”
He reached forward and touched her clitoris. Pop! A climax hit her so hard and so fast she nearly fell on top of Zach. He held her, still thrusting, nursing her through the euphoria. When she calmed, Zach pulled her off of him.
“I’m not ready for it to be over yet, Sophie.” He sat up, pulled her over his knee, and smacked her bottom gently. “Have you been a bad girl, my Sophie, my love?”
Sophie wasn’t sure what he meant. She said nothing.
“Your reputation has been ruined by saving me from the hangman’s noose.” He smacked her again. “Was it worth it, my Sophie?” Smack!
“Yes, it was worth— Oh!” She began climaxing against his hand. Placing his fingers inside her, he urged her on, milking her climax until he’d squeezed every drop of pleasure out of her.
When she was coming down—smack!—he slapped her again. “Your bottom is so dazzling, Sophie. How I adore it.” He rained some tiny kisses on her the cheeks of her buttocks, and then— Smack! One, two, three more times he spanked her.
The sting permeated through her, metamorphosing into pleasure as usual, but then—
And again, harder—Smack! Smack! Smack!
Sophie bit her lip. The pain…it was no longer transforming…
She gnawed furiously at her lip, drawing blood, tears forming in her eyes. Should she tell him to stop?
Smack! Smack! Smack!
No, let him. He needs this. He needs you to understand… But she could no longer bear it. “Zach! Stop it! Please!”