Page 71 of Sophie's Voice (Sex and the Season 4)
Loving? Had he truly thought the word? The words had been on the tip of his tongue as he was making love to her. He had wanted to tell her he was in love with her, but it was too soon.
Was it? Zach had never been in love before. He had never even thought he had been in love. Now, these intense feelings, this desire to be with her, the need for her to understand his dominance… Never before had he asked a woman to understand why he was striking her. Sophie was different. He needed to know that she understood, even though he wasn’t sure he understood himself.
And she did. Her own need was as great as his. Perhaps one day they would figure out why they both shared this need. Perhaps they could figure it out together.
“I should leave you now, love.”
“No, Zach. Please, stay. It’s late, and I would love to sleep in your arms.”
Zach would love nothing more. Sophie was a grown woman, and if she wanted this, why should he not oblige?
He kissed her lips softly. “I would love to spend the night here with you.”
* * *
Zach awoke before dawn and smiled. Sophie was nestled against him. The moon shone in through her window, casting its glow on the curves of her face. Her blond hair was fanned out on her pillow in a soft curtain. Her lips were still swollen and red from his kisses, parted slightly in sleep.
He hated to wake her, but he didn’t want to her to awaken and find him gone. He rose from the bed to find his jacket. He pulled his timepiece out of the pocket and looked at it in the moonlight. Four o’clock. He had to leave before daylight. If he were found on the grounds, Sophie could be in for a world of hurt. He dressed quickly.
He sat down on the bed gently and nudged her shoulder. “Sophie?” he said in a low voice. “Sophie, wake up, love.”
She stirred slightly and then stretched her arms above her head, her breasts peeking out from the covers. So beautiful, she was. He had to fight the urge to reach for and make love to her again. Already his cock was stirring.
He nudged her again. “Sophie?”
Her eyes fluttered open, big and bright, even though they were clouded with sleep. “Yes? Is everything all right, Zach?”
Zach smiled. “Everything is perfect. However, I must leave you now.”
She reached for him. “No. Don’t leave…”
Oh, the temptation. If only he could stay… Forever if she’d have him.
“I must. I must leave before anyone is awake and I can sneak out quietly. If I were caught here, in your bedchamber, or even on the premises at this hour, your reputation would be ruined.”
“I don’t care about my reputation.”
Zach chuckled quietly. “That’s sleep talking, sweet. Trust me, it’s for the best if I leave now. Besides, I have to get home and prepare for today’s rehearsal. I’m usually up two hours from now anyway.”
She smiled. “If you insist.”
Zach leaned down and kissed her lips. “I do. And you will be due at rehearsal at nine o’clock this morning. My leading lady must not be late.”
“Just one more kiss…” She reached for him.
He was not made of steel. He descended to her. His shirt was still open, and his chest pressed against he
r stunning breasts. She parted her lips for him, and he delved inside, tasting of her sweetness. Far from wanting to, he broke the kiss.
“Sleep now, my sweet. I’ll see you soon at the theatre.”
With all the strength he possessed, Zach rose from the bed, leaving his sleeping beauty there. Quickly, he adjusted his cravat and headed out.
* * *
Upon returning home, Zach lay down in his own bed for a bit, thinking of the previous evening. Sophie was a prize. How had some young gentleman not snatched her off the market yet? Her shy nature, most likely. It certainly wasn’t her lack of beauty. The only lack of beauty was in her own mind. He checked his timepiece again and rose. Time to get to the theatre. He washed quickly at his basin, dressed, and was descending to the first level when a rap sounded at his door.
At this hour? He opened the door and was surprised to see two peelers standing there, one of whom he recognized, the brother of one of his actresses. “Harkins, what is it? What are you doing here?”