Page 67 of Sophie's Voice (Sex and the Season 4)
Sophie drew in a breath, gathering strength. Zach was worth fighting for. “Yes, Mama. He is a very fine man, a self-made man. I respect him very much, and I also respect his talent.”
“I understand. However, David would like more for you.”
“Mother, this is the first man who has ever asked to court me. I’m nearly five-and-twenty years old, an old maid by today’s standards. I am interested in Mr. Newland. I like him. I think he likes me. I would like for him to court me.”
“Very well, dear, I will speak to David about it.” Her mother smiled. “I am sure we can come to some agreement.”
Sophie leaned forward and hugged her mother. “Oh, thank you, Mama. I just know it will work out. Mr. Newland is coming to call on me tonight at nine o’clock. I was hoping that you and the earl might be able to speak to him then.”
Iris shook her head. “I’m afraid not, Sophie. David is in London today and will not be returning until the morrow.”
“Oh, drat. I suppose I should send word to Zach not to come.”
“Nonsense. He is certainly welcome to call on you, whether you are courting or not. You may entertain him in here this evening. It will be a few weeks before the main parlor is ready.”
Sophie smiled. Her mother understood, and she would no doubt make her husband understand. She could tell her mother she was already in love with Mr. Newland. Given how quickly her mother and the earl had fallen in love all those many years ago, when Ally and Sophie were mere babes, they ought to understand attraction that defies logic. She smiled to herself. No, she’d keep quiet. Her love for Zach was a delicious secret she could savor by herself a little longer.
Sophie kissed her mother on the cheek and bid her good afternoon. She would spend what was left of the afternoon doting on her new nieces and resting before the dinner hour.
* * *
Sophie sat alone in the smaller parlor, waiting for Zach to call after dinner. She watched the clock—nine o’clock, and then quarter past. Where was he? Half past. When the clock struck ten, she decided to retire for the evening. Surely Zach had a good reason for not coming.
Still, disappointment flowed through her veins. She had been looking forward to seeing him, even though the earl wasn’t present to discuss their courtship. The tender spot between her legs reminded her of their wonderful afternoon together.
Her mother, Iris, came in. “Sophie, dear, I did not know you were still in here.”
Sophie frowned. “He didn’t come, Mother.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sure something came up that required attention, probably at the theatre.”
Sophie nodded. “Yes, I am certain that is what happened.” Too bad she didn’t believe the words that came out of her mouth.
A rap on the door brought Graves. “My ladies, Lady Sophie has a caller. Mr. Zachary Newland.”
“Tell him I’m unable to receive him at this late hour, Graves,” Sophie said.
“No, Graves. My daughter will see him.” Iris smiled and took her hand. “Listen to what he has to say. You need do nothing else.”
“Thank you, Mama.”
Iris smiled gently. “I will be in my sitting room, reading, if you need me.” She turned to Graves. “Show Mr. Newland in.”
Graves bowed and left, returning shortly with Zach.
Sophie sat demurely on the divan, refusing at first to make eye contact. However, that was rude, and Sophie was not a rude person. She looked up, saying nothing.
Zach’s eyes were bloodshot and sad. “I do hope you can forgive my tardiness, Sophie. There was a…scene at the theatre this evening.”
Sophie widened her eyes. “What happened?”
“It’s a long story. Nanette came in, having one of her tantrums. Two of my sopranos, who were working late rehearsing, actually quit the show because of her antics. Now I have to find two more performers as soon as I can.”
“I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you send word that you couldn’t make it? I would’ve understood.”
“I wanted to see you. And I kept thinking that I could get here at least at a reasonable hour. Yet time was ticking by, and now I’m later than I ever thought I would be. Can you forgive me?”
Sophie was well aware of what Nanette was capable of. She believe