Page 45 of Sophie's Voice (Sex and the Season 4)
Zach. Although Sophie had cleaned up a bit since the birth, she was certainly in no condition to receive callers. “Please give him my regrets, Bertram. I do not wish to see anyone at the moment. I’m sure he will understand.”
Bertram nodded. “As you wish, my lady.”
Sophie bent back to baby Maureen. How nice for Zach to come by, but he was no doubt looking for another rendezvous in the alcove. Sophie didn’t have it in her at the moment.
But perhaps someone to talk to… Yes, she did want to see Zach after all. She placed Maureen in her bassinet and ran to the door. Bertram was just making his way to the stairwell at the end of the hall.
“Bertram,” she called, “I’ve changed my mind. I would like to see Mr. Newland. Please have him wait for me in the small parlor.” The good Lord himself only knew when the main parlor would be presentable again.
Bertram nodded and continued descending the stairs.
Sophie left the babies in Millicent’s care. Because Ally had delivered so early, she and Evan had not yet hired a baby nurse. Right now, Haley and Millicent were caring for the babies.
Sophie went to her own chamber to check her appearance. The looking glass did not do her any favors. Her hair was wilted and looked plastered to her head, and her complexion was wan and pale. She bit her lips and pinched her cheeks, but it didn’t help much. She couldn’t really bring herself to care what she looked like at the moment, even if she was going to see Zach. If he didn’t understand what she had been through today, and if he was only interested in her appearance, perhaps he wasn’t a man she wanted to be spending time with.
Sophie walked down the hallway and descended the staircase, making her way to the smaller parlor. Zach stood, his back to her, looking as regal as ever in one of his fine tailored suits, his unfashionably long auburn tresses curling around his collar.
She swallowed. “Good afternoon, Mr. Newland.”
Zach turned, his expression grave. “Sophie, thank you for seeing me. I came by hoping to take tea with you, but your butler told me what happened with Lady Alexandra.”
Sophie nodded and gulped down a lump in her throat. “I don’t know what to feel. I have two new beautiful nieces, and that’s a wonderful thing. But my sister nearly lost her life and may still, and she’ll never have another child.”
Zach strode toward her and took her hand, lifting it to his lips and kissing it. “I know. It must be very difficult to know exactly what to feel right now. How is your sister doing?”
Sophie walked to a chair and sat, gesturing for Zach to join her in the chair across from her. “She seems to be stable, according to the doctor, and he is optimistic that she will make it. But she did lose a lot of blood. She’s resting in her room now, and Evan is with her.”
Zach sat in the chair Sophie motioned to. “Is there anything I can do for you? I know rehearsals are supposed to begin tomorrow, but if you’re not feeling up to it, I completely understand.”
“Yes, perhaps you should give the part to Miss Lloyd. I’m not sure I could do it justice in my current condition.”
“Miss Lloyd is no longer with the company,” Zach said. “But if you prefer, I will choose another soprano. Of course, none of them can hold a candle to you.”
Sophie sighed. She had made a commitment to Zach and to the theatre. She could do nothing for Ally right now, at least not until she woke up. She let out a small laugh as she imagined what Ally would say to her if she knew Sophie was thinking about giving up the role.
“You know, I think I will be at rehearsal tomorrow after all. If I backed out of this, my sister would haunt me, telling me I should have done this.”
Zach smiled. “If you’re sure, Sophie. I would truly love to have you in this production, but I don’t have to tell you that. You know it already.”
Sophie nodded. “Right now, Ally is my first priority. And what Ally would tell me is to continue with the role, so that is what I will do. For her.”
“I am happy to hear that. Truly. Would you care to take a short walk with me? Some fresh air might do you good.”
A walk sounded tempting, as long as they didn’t end up in the alcove again. She was not ready for that right now. Plus, she wanted to stay close in case Ally woke up. But would Zach be after a rendezvous?
As if reading her mind, he said, “And I am talking solely about a walk, sweet. I know you’re not in any condition for…other adventures.”
Sophie gazed into Zach’s brown eyes. He was a good man, a special man. Not to mention an extremely talented and handsome man. He had shown her some amazing phenomena. She would always hold him close in her esteem for that. Even in her current condition, when she looked at him, her heart jumped. He invaded her thoughts day and night, and even now, with Ally and the babies first and foremost on her mind, she found herself thinking of Zach.
Was it possible she was falling in love with him? She’d never been in love. She’d resigned herself to spinsterhood long ago, but here was a man who didn’t see her as a timid lady of the peerage, a wallflower. Zach was interested in her voice and grooming her to be a top-notch performer. And while he may not be in love with her, he certainly seemed to be attracted to her in a way no man had ever been.
Her cheeks were burning as she let out a deep breath. “Thank you for being so understanding, Zach. I think I would enjoy a short walk.”
Zach smiled, his white teeth glowing. “I’m glad. We shan’t go far. But it’s
a sunny day, and I would like for you to enjoy it with me.”
Zach offered his arm, and Sophie took it. Together they left the parlor, walked through the foyer, and out the front door.