Page 43 of Sophie's Voice (Sex and the Season 4)
David Xavier, the Earl of Brighton and Sophie’s stepfather, was a rock in this sea of uncertainty and fear. He took his wife’s hand and then clapped his son on the back. “There’s nothing we can do for Alexandra right now. Be strong and be brave for her, because that’s what she needs. Dr. Blake is the best physician in the area, and he will do his best for Ally. Why don’t we go see my new grandchildren?”
Iris smiled a weak smile. “Yes, David, I would like that.”
“An excellent idea,” Sophie agreed. “I’d love to see my new nieces.”
“Nice work,” the earl said to Evan. “Twins.”
“I don’t know how to feel right now,” Evan said. “Without Alexandra… I can’t even think of it. But two beautiful daughters? I feel like the luckiest man alive.”
“Wait until you hold your child. You will feel emotions you never knew you had,” the earl said.
“The contradictions in my emotions right now… I’m being twisted apart.”
Sophie nodded to her brother-in-law. She knew exactly what he was feeling. The four of them climbed the stairs to the nursery adjacent to Evan and Ally’s suite of rooms on the third level.
The new babies were both sleeping, having just finished their first meal. Sophie’s heart fell a little. Their first meal should have come at Ally’s breast. But think positive, Sophie. Their second or third will come from their mother. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Sophie forced a smile and strode forward.
* * *
Zach finished up the rehearsal schedules and sat at his desk, contemplating his new lead soprano, Lady Sophie MacIntyre. Such a contradiction she was—a regal lady of the peerage, naïve and timid, yet so eager to explore her sensual side, more eager than she even knew or was willing to admit. He never would have guessed she could be such a tigress. He wanted more of her, and not just the sex. He yearned to truly know her, find out what made her tick, help her find her voice. He chuckled softly to himself. He’d never imagined any woman could bring him to his knees, certainly not such a shy and awkward lady of the peerage.
His groin tightened at the mere thought of her pink lips, her caressing touch, her eyes that glowed with fire when she was aroused.
He’d never courted a woman, had never even considered it. But now?
He withdrew his pocket watch. Nearly teatime. Perhaps a ride out to the Brighton estate was in order, to pay a call on Lady Sophie. He longed to see her face, to hear her sweet voice, to feel her soft lips against his. And maybe another walk about the estate afterward…
* * *
Sophie gazed down at the dark-blond child she held—adorable baby no-name. Evan held his firstborn daughter, Maureen Iris, the name he and Ally had chosen for a girl—named for both of their mothers.
“And what will your name be, I wonder?” Sophie asked her little niece.
The baby slept. She was so tiny. Millicent had weighed the babies, and neither one of them had made six pounds. Probably normal for twins, and that no doubt explained why they had come so early, Sophie mused.
Evan looked unkempt and worried, yet to see this mountain of a man holding his tiny child… Sophie couldn’t help but smile and wonder at the miracle of it all.
But Ally… Her strong, wonderful Ally. How was she faring? No one had come to give them any news, and no one was rushing to leave the nursery. Iris and David were holding hands, Iris’s fine features etched with worry.
“You’re so beautiful,” Evan said to tiny Maureen. He turned Sophie. “May we switch? I’d like to hold…the other one.”
Sophie smiled. “
Of course.” They quickly switched babies so that Sophie was holding Maureen, her shock of black hair slick upon her head. Maureen was slightly bigger than the other baby but still so tiny. “What do you think you and Ally will name the other?” Sophie asked. She purposely said “you and Ally,” not just “you.” She couldn’t accept the thought that Ally might not…
She couldn’t even form the words in her mind. Ally would be fine. She had to be.
Maureen started to fuss a bit, and Sophie rocked her gently. “It’s all right, baby. Your mama will be with you soon.”
Sophie nearly jumped out of her shoes when a knock pounded on the door.
“Yes, come in!” Evan yelled, his tone laced with anger and fear.
The door opened, and Bertram stepped in. “My lords and ladies, the doctor has news.”
Sophie’s nerves jumped, and she nearly forgot to breathe. Millicent rushed toward her and took baby Maureen. Sophie looked to Evan, who had paled even further than she thought possible.