Page 4 of Sophie's Voice (Sex and the Season 4)
Nanette stuck out her bottom lip in a pout. “You can’t mean that, handsome.”
“I’m afraid I do. But please, do audition for the musicale. I value you as a member of the theatre and as”—he swallowed—“a friend.” So that last part was a little lie. Wouldn’t hurt anyone. Zach was not against having women as friends, but Nanette was not the type he wanted to be friendly with. She was a decent soprano and a decent fuck, but intelligence was not her strong suit.
“Well,” she said in a huff, “perhaps I will not audition for you. And then you’ll be less one soprano.”
“As you wish. If you change your mind, I’ll see you at auditions tomorrow.” Zach wasn’t worried. Nanette had no other job in town, so unless she wanted to lie on her back to earn money, she would be at auditions.
“Well, I never…” She adjusted the bodice of her gown and flounced out.
Oh, yes, you have, honey. And you haven’t learned much.
* * *
“That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard,” Sophie said. “There is no way you can move that coin without touching the glove. Last time I checked, you’re not telekinetic.”
“I say I can.”
Sophie rolled her eyes. “Good for you, then.”
Ally smiled. “Are you willing to bet that I can’t do it?”
“I don’t believe in gambling, as you well know.”
“This is not gambling, Sophie. This is just a fun game. I say I can move the coin without moving the glove. You say I can’t. If I can, will you audition for Mr. Newland?”
Her sister had gone stark raving mad. That was the only explanation. Fine, Sophie would humor her. “If you insist, Ally. Yes, if you can move that coin to its other side without moving Lily’s glove, I will audition for Mr. Newland’s musicale.”
“Excellent!” Ally smacked her hand down on the table. “The coin has now been moved.”
“You’ve gone dotty. What is this pregnancy doing to you?”
“I assure you I’m far from dotty. And as for the pregnancy, why, I feel in perfect health. Once those few months of dreaded sickness were over, I’ve never felt better. In fact, you can ask Evan. I’ve been rather…insatiable lately.”
Sophie’s cheeks warmed. The way Ally talked about her bedroom antics with Evan had made her blush on more than one occasion. “Ally, really…”
“Let’s not get off the subject, shall we? I say the coin has been moved. If you don’t believe me, check for yourself.”
Sophie let out a laugh. “If you say so.” She removed the glove only to find that the sovereign had not moved at all.
Before she could say as much, Ally flipped the coin over onto its head side. “Ha! You lose. You must audition for Mr. Newland.”
Yes, her sister had definitely gone dotty. “You need to have your head examined, Ally.”
Ally erupted in giggles. “I fear it might be you who needs your head examined. I bet you that I could move the coin to its other side without moving the glove. And I did.”
Lily let out a loud guffaw. “You’re too much, Ally! Oh, Sophie, she did get you good.”
Sophie shook her head. “That is ridiculous, both of you. She said that she had moved the coin when she slapped the table.”
Ally shook her head. “I did say that, but if you recall the terms of the bet, what I said had nothing to do with them. I bet you that I could turn the coin over without moving the glove. You moved the glove, not I. Then I turned the coin over. Case closed.”
Lily continued to laugh uproariously until little Morgan stirred in her arms and she quieted. “Where on earth did you learn that trick? I’ve got to use it on Daniel.”
Even Rose joined in, smiling. “It was all in good fun, Sophie,” she said. “And you do have such a lovely voice. Why don’t you audition?”
Sophie wasn’t one to get angry, but a bit of passion stirred within her. They’d made her look like an idiot. How had she allowed herself to be duped like this? “I’m afraid it’s absolutely out of the question.”
“Don’t be angry. It was all in sport,” Ally said. “I am your sister, and I love you. I would never ask you to do anything that wasn’t for your own good. You need to get off of this estate. You need to have something to do that you enjoy. You love singing, and auditioning for the musicale will at least get you out for a few hours tomorrow.”