Page 24 of Sophie's Voice (Sex and the Season 4)
Ally giggled. “Not so much treatises as…literature.”
“Literature? I don’t understand.”
Ally smiled a devilish smile. “Come to my chamber after breakfast, and I shall show you.”
Sophie’s cheeks heated. “Can’t you just answer my questions, Ally? I’m not comfortable reading this type of…literature.”
“I’m certainly happy to do what I can. What questions do you have?”
“Well, I’m not exactly sure how to ask this…” Lord, she wanted to disappear.
“Go right ahead, dear. I used to write for an erotic magazine, remember? Chances are I will have the answers you seek.”
Her sister was no doubt right. Sophie took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Something happened to me—something that is very difficult to explain. I…felt like I was flying. Yet I felt one with the earth as well. A contradictory feeling, but an intense pleasure that…I can’t adequately describe.”
Ally clasped her hand to her mouth and gasped. “Sophie, are you saying you had a climax?”
“Is that the word for it? I’m afraid I just don’t know what happened.”
“It certainly sounds like a climax to me. How did it happen? Did you just stumble upon the right spot while you were…touching yourself?”
Sophie wilted, unable to speak. She was going to die an untimely death right here in the breakfast room.
“Was it with a man?” Ally smiled.
Sophie closed her eyes, still unable to force words from her throat.
“Don’t tell me it was with a woman, although your maid is quite pretty.”
Sophie’s eyes flew open, and she inhaled a loud gasp. “Of course not with a woman. How could you even think such a thing?”
“There are some people who prefer the company of those of their own gender.”
“I will assure you I am not one of those people.” Though the thought was intriguing. Women were beautiful, and she appreciated their beauty… Goodness, she could not let that thought continue.
“Well, you obviously haven’t been with a man, so I can only infer that you were touching yourself.”
“Oh, my, no! Why, Monsieur Becklard’s book says that can lead to all sorts of dangerous diseases.”
“Sophie, dear, did I not just tell you that book is pure refuse?”
“Yes, but you must understand. It’s all that I’ve read, other than a book on the marriage bed.”
“That drivel by Lady Margaret Mead? She thinks all men are perverted creatures who constantly have sexual acts on the brain.”
Sophie squirmed. “Don’t they?”
Ally let out a guffaw, clutching her belly. “Well, yes, they do.”
Sophie couldn’t help smiling. The male was fascinating. Especially one as handsome, talented, and interesting as Mr. Newland—Zach.
“Tell me now, how did you come about to have your climax?
Sophie dropped her gaze to the napkin in her lap. “This is absolutely embarrassing…”
“Sophie, we’re sisters, the closest two people can be other than husband and wife. You have nothing to be embarrassed about in front of me. After all, we survived a horribly abusive childhood together. Nothing could be worse than that. Especially not something that feels so good.”
Ally did have a point. Still, Sophie had to will the words out of her mouth. “I’ve never been one to allow liberties, but Mr. Newland…er…Zach…accompanied me on a walk yesterday afternoon. We came to the secluded alcove where I enjoy reading or just relaxing, and then…”