Page 15 of Sophie's Voice (Sex and the Season 4)
“Yes, my lady, I know exactly what you’re going to say. But before you say it, might I persuade you to take a late-afternoon walk with me? You could show me around your estate. I have not visited the Brighton estate before.”
“I see no reason for us to go walking, sir,” Sophie said. “It would be quite improper without a chaperone, as you well know. Plus, I will not change my mind about appearing in the production.”
“My lady, I hope I don’t offend, but a woman of your…age…no longer requires a chaperone.”
Sophie’s cheeks reddened further. Zach wished he could bite back his words. What had he been thinking? He didn’t want to insult the lady. In fact, at the moment, all he could think about was undressing her. But that was not the reason for wanting to walk about the estate with her. If he could get her outside, show her the wonders of creation, perhaps she would agree to share her voice with the world.
“Please, my lady, I meant no offense. All I ask is an hour of your time on this late afternoon. Allow me this one chance to try to persuade you to sing for me.”
Sophie rose. Oh, how he wanted her. That a woman so fetching could know nothing of her charms confounded Zach. Those lips, those raspberry cheeks, the radiant hazel eyes laced with green and gold…
He walked slowly toward her, his feet moving independently. When he reached her, he cupped those berry cheeks, bringing his own head down and pressing his lips to hers.
Oh, the pleasure… His kisses… After this morning, she had never dreamed she would experience another one. She parted her lips eagerly this time, her body taking over. His tongue twirled with hers, and she tingled all over. Her nipples tightened against her corset. They were so hard she felt for sure he could feel them as she pressed against his chest.
Dear God… Difficult to get her breath… She was…going…to…
Had to break away… Couldn’t breathe…
As if he had read her mind, he ripped his lips from hers and trailed tiny kisses across her cheek to her earlobe. He bit and sucked the small lobe into his mouth, and Sophie’s knees nearly gave way.
Sophie gasped for air. Such sensation… Truly… This is why Ally let all those gentlemen take liberties… She let out a sigh.
“Do you like that, sweet? Does it feel good to have my lips upon you?”
Sophie couldn’t find her voice. Yes, yes! she shouted inside.
“Tell me, sweet Sophie, how does it feel when I kiss you?”
Again, she was without words. After all, words had limitations. How on earth could she describe the ethereal feelings flowing through her? She knew only one way to show her true emotions—through singing.
“Tell me,” Zach whispered in her ear, “do you enjoy kissing me as such as I enjoy kissing you?”
“Yes,” she murmured. “Oh, yes.”
Zach backed away from her slightly and looked into her eyes, burning two holes in her with his bronze gaze.
“Let us walk together. Show me your estate, and perhaps I can convince you what a grand experience it would be to sing on stage with me.”
Sophie swallowed a lump in her throat and nodded. She would walk with him. After all, they would be outside in full view of anyone on the estate, so she didn’t have to worry about him taking more liberties. And what was the harm in spending time with a man who intrigued her? If she asked her sister, Ally would say there was no harm at all.
“Yes, Mr. Newland, I shall walk with you.”
* * *
They walked about the estate, Mr. Newland educating her on the theatre and how he got his start in acting. He’d offered Cameron a job a year ago as the house composer. Cameron, like her, was self-taught, having grown up poor as Sophie had. The stories fascinated Sophie. Mr. Newland himself was a self-made man, having gained a benefactress in Cameron’s great-grandmother, the dowager Marchioness of Denbigh.
“Did you…” Sophie warmed all over, embarrassed by the question she couldn’t help asking. “With the marchioness…?”
Mr. Newland chuckled. “No, no. She was in her early sixties at that time, and I was a mere lad of nineteen. She didn’t expect it or ask for it. Some benefactors do expect, shall we say, benefits, but most don’t. Most people do it out of the goodness of their hearts.”
“I see.” Sophie looked down. Her shoes were scuffed with dirt. Drat, she’d have to have Hannah clean them.
Soon they came to a secluded area, one of Sophie’s favorite places on the estate. Often she wandered out to the little area to read or sing or just be alone.
“What is this place?” Mr. Newland asked.