Page 100 of Sophie's Voice (Sex and the Season 4)
“I tried to get rid of Newland too. He was my last obstacle, but I could not finish the job. One of his servants heard the tussle in his bedroom, and I had to leave quickly.”
Thank God. If Zach had died… Sophie closed her eyes, and two tears squeezed out. She would not have wanted to go on living. He had become so much to her in so little time. She needed him. And he needed her as well.
So she would fight. Even bound as she was, she would fight with all she had—first, to keep this lunatic out of her body, and second, to stay alive…for Zach.
Keep him talking. Sophie heard Ally’s voice in her head. Keep him talking and focused on something other than you.
“What do you want with me?”
“You are mine. It is as simple as tha
“I don’t even know who you are. Don’t you think something of this magnitude should be mutual?”
“It is mutual, Sophie. You just haven’t realized it yet. You will.”
“Why do you want me? Surely there are other women—”
“Not for me!” He stomped his foot again. “All other women are whores. I wouldn’t soil myself with them.” He sat down next to her on the bed.
She longed to roll away, but being bound, she couldn’t.
Another gloved finger trailed down her cheek, her neck, and this time over her shoulder. His touch repulsed her. Bile rose in her throat.
“I have dreamed of this day. You’re even more perfect than I imagined. Your nipples are hard for me, Sophie. Did you know that?”
Her nipples were hard because she was scared and cold. But what he didn’t know… Would it help if he thought she returned his feelings? She wasn’t sure. If her goal was to keep him out of her body, if she acted like she wanted him, he would take her sooner rather than later.
But perhaps he wouldn’t. Perhaps if she said she wasn’t quite ready…
Oh, Ally, if only you were here to advise me.
She stayed quiet for the time being, gulping back nausea.
His gloved fingertips glided over one of her nipples. She forced herself not to wince or scream.
“So beautiful. Little hard nipples. Tell me, Sophie, is your cunt wet for me?”
She ached to squeeze her thighs together, but bound as she was, she could not. Her nipples might be hard, but her pussy was most definitely not wet. That would not happen, and she could force it.
He trailed his finger down over her abdomen and through her nest of blond curls. His fingertip nudged her clitoris.
Again, she forced herself not to wince. “Would you like to have my mouth on your juicy little quim, Sophie?”
Now or never. “I’m sure that would be…pleasing, but I fear I’m not quite ready yet.”
God, she hoped she hadn’t just made a terrible mistake.
“Oh, my dear, I assure you I will make sure you’re ready for me. Shall we begin now?”
Sophie forced a smile upon her lips. “I think I’d like to wait a bit. Could you not unbind me? I really don’t like being bound. And what is your name? Surely you’d prefer me to use your given name.”
“You may call me Brian,” he said. “And I’m sorry, my dear, but I can’t unbind you. This is how I want you. You will come to enjoy it. I promise you.”
Now what? “If that is what you wish…B-Brian.” Stop stammering, Sophie. “However, I fear I’m just not ready to be intimate yet. Can we not get to know each other?”
“I know all I need to know about you, my darling Sophie.”