Page 99 of Lady Alexandra's Lover (Sex and the Season 3)
He laughed as he wiped her spittle from his cheek. “I think you’ve mistaken who is in control here. I will do what I please with you. After all, I have to dispose of you anyway. Why not have some fun before I do? What is the harm?”
“Lord Evan will come for me,” Ally said. “He is probably on his way right now with the constables.”
“Lord Evan is recovering from a gunshot wound. You said so yourself. I somehow doubt he is coming anywhere for you. And if anyone knew you were gone, the authorities would be here by now. I call your bluff, my lady.”
Ally wilted against the chair. He was right.
No one was coming for her—certainly not Evan, who could barely walk.
So this was truly to be her fate. A result of poor judgment, Evan would say.
And he would be right.
She could only pray that it passed quickly.
Osborne unbound her feet from the chair. Quick as a jackrabbit, she landed a swift kick on his hand.
“Ouch! You filthy little bitch!” He slapped her across the face.
The strike stung, but it was nothing compared to the kind of punishment her father had doled out. “Is that all you have?”
He slapped her again. “You will not speak to me like that.”
Ally held back a sarcastic laugh. Osborne had no idea with whom he was dealing. Ally was no limp violet. She could take a beating, and a beating by this revolting creature would be far preferable to any sexual act with him. Make him angry enough, and he would beat her senseless instead of raping her.
And when he was done, she would somehow keep her vow—to kill any man who ever laid a hand on her again.
“Try to stop me, why don’t you? You’re weak. You can’t even hit a woman properly. Unbind my hands, and I’ll show you who is stronger between the two of us.”
“The only thing your hands will be doing is pumping my cock, you little whore, before I force it into your pretty mouth.”
She nearly retched, but she caught herself, continuing to play her part. “Suck you? You can’t be serious. Why, your tiny thing would get lost between my lips.”
“Shut up, bitch.” He slapped her across the face again.
Oh, the blow stung. Her cheek was probably red as an apple by now. She held fast, bracing her resolve, determined that he would not see her pain.
“You like hitting girls do you? Compensating for your tiny little cock, I’d wager.”
This time he punched her in the gut. His fist landed on her stomach with a dull thud. Had her hands not been bound behind her, she would have doubled over in pain. Still, she held her head high.
“You seem convinced of the size of my cock, my lady. Perhaps I should show you. It will prove to you its worth.”
Lord, she didn’t want to see that or any other part of him. Keep him angry, Ally. Make him hit you. Don’t let him bring his cock into this.
“Anything of yours that comes near me, you’re going to lose,” she said, clenching her teeth.
Whomp! He whacked her face again, this time hitting her eye. She’d have a shiner tomorrow.
If she saw tomorrow…
“You talk big, don’t you? I get the feeling this isn’t the first time a man has taken a fist to you. I can see why. Some women just need a good beating.”
The words slammed into her like a thunderbolt. Images whirled in her head—her father above her, taunting her, smacking her, turning her over and caning her…
Some girls just need a good beatin’, lassie. Like your mother. And you. Teach you respect for your father. Respect for your betters. You’re nothin’ but a little harlot, you and your sister both. Aye, your arse is good and red now…
Her father’s voice. The devil’s voice. That sadistic gleam in his eye as…