Page 91 of Lady Alexandra's Lover (Sex and the Season 3)
“Oh, Evan, I nearly lost you. It was a jolt to me. I always knew I was in love with you, but facing losing you… I realized how wrong I was to be focusing only on marrying for money. I want only to marry you.”
“Well, unfortunately, my offer is no longer on the table.”
Ally’s heart fell. Sadness rivered through her. “Are you saying you no longer love me?”
Evan cleared his throat. “I’m saying I no longer wish to marry you.”
“But you still love me?”
Evan did not answer.
“So I take that as a yes?”
“Take it however you want it. It does not change anything.”
Ally leaned over and pressed her mouth to Evan’s. She traced her tongue along the seam of his lips, which were tightly closed. She nibbled across his upper lip and then his lower. She could be patient if she had to be. She rained tiny kisses around his mouth, and then tried again to open his lips. This time he parted them, and she slid her tongue into his mouth. Oh, sweet warmth, sweet love. This was far from their first kiss, but it was the sweetest, because she knew now, without a shadow of a doubt, that this was the man she was meant to be with—her true love.
Evan responded and tangled his tongue was hers, his breathing growing more rapid. The kiss turned frantic. Ally didn’t want to stop, but Evan was weak. With all her might, she withdrew her mouth from his.
“You responded to my kiss, Evan.”
“That means nothing. You are beautiful. A man would have to be dead not to respond to you.”
Ally smiled. She turned her head. His cockstand was apparent beneath the blanket. Perhaps she could still reach him.
“Evan, I nearly lost you, and I realized how important it was to be with a man I was in love with. If you are truly in love with me, how can you not see things the same way?”
“Because, Alexandra, there are more important things in life than love.”
Her own words, hurled back at her, and they cut into her like a sword. She flinched. “Like money? You’re wrong, Evan. I was wrong. Please, can’t you see—”
“Damn it, I’m not talking about money. Not everything is about money.”
“Then what are you talking about? What on earth is more important than love?”
“Trust, Alexandra.”
“Trust? Are you saying you don’t trust me, Evan? How can you not? I took care of you. If I hadn’t been there the night you got shot—”
“If you hadn’t been there the night I got shot, you would’ve been doing what I asked of you. I told you to stay away for your own safety.”
“But Evan—”
“Damn it, do not interrupt me!” Evan sucked in a breath.
Ally cupped his cheeks. “Don’t exert yourself. Please.”
He swallowed. “I am fine. Please allow me to say my piece, and do not interrupt me again.”
Ally nodded. She owed him that.
“I asked you to stay away. I’ve asked you many things since our parents left on their wedding trip, and you have continually disobeyed me.”
Ally opened her mouth to disagree, but Evan shot daggers at her with his eyes.
“However, those are not the reasons for my lack of trust. You are impulsive and strong-willed. I accept that about you. It’s part of your charm. However, you have done something that I cannot forgive.”
“If you’re talking about my writing erotica for The Ruby—”