Page 69 of Lady Alexandra's Lover (Sex and the Season 3)
“I’m not kidding, Landon. I will kick the door down myself if you do not open it.”
Evan clenched his teeth and tensed his muscles, ready to give the door a swift kick, when it opened. Nathan Landon stood there, wearing nothing but a red silk robe.
“Xavier,” he said. “I told my butler very succinctly that he was to dismiss you. How in the hell did you get up here?”
“I’m not so easily dismissed.” Evan stalked toward the other man. “You and I need to talk, Landon.”
Landon cowered. “If this is about what happened between me and Lady Alexandra, I have—”
Evan gathered all of his strength, willing himself not to pummel the man. Instead, he pushed him back into the sitting room and followed him in, closing the door. “You have compromised Lady Alexandra, and now you are going to do right by her.”
“Xavier, if I had to ‘do right’ by every woman I’ve compromised, I’d have several dozen wives by now.”
Evan saw red. He grabbed the silk of Landon’s robe in a clenched fist. Just as he was about to land a punch on the man’s nose, a woman, also clad in red silk, walked through a door that must have led to Landon’s bedchamber.
“Nathan, what is going on?”
Evan shook his head. “I should’ve known. You try to get beneath my stepsister’s corset, but when you fail, you find the next common whore to warm your bed.”
The woman walked forward, her eyes glaring. “Nathan, aren’t you going to defend me? Are you going to let him speak about me that way?”
“Of course not. Go back to bed, Christine. This won’t take long.”
The woman huffed and slipped back through the bedchamber door.
Evan shook his head. “Alexandra is way too good for the likes of you.”
“Just as well. I’m not going to marry her.”
“Oh, yes, you are, if you value that pretty face of yours.”
Evan readied himself to pummel the shit out of the rake, when two servants entered and grabbed him by the shoulders.
“What in bloody hell took you lads so long?” Landon said. “This fool barged into my chamber.”
Evan easily outmaneuvered the two servants, freeing himself. “Really, Landon, did you think these two weaklings could stop me?”
“Perhaps not, but this will.” Landon opened a drawer and pulled out a pistol, pointing it at Evan.
Confessions of Lady Prudence
by Madame O
Together Hattie and I divested Christophe of his clothing. His erection sprang at attention, and Hattie’s eyes became wide as saucers.
“Oh, my lady…”
“Yes, he is spectacular, isn’t he?” I took in Christophe’s golden broad shoulders, his muscular chest and abdomen, the smattering of dark curls surrounding his copper nipples. Oh, Amelia, I was so ready to be fucked!
Hattie’s mouth trembled. “But he’s so…”
“Large, yes, I know. But you need not concern yourself with that part of his anatomy just yet, my dear. I have other things in mind for you today.”
“What, my lady?”
I smiled deviously. “You shall see, but first we must undress you. I cannot wait for Monsieur Bertrand to see the lovely jewels you are hiding under your clothing.”