Page 42 of Lady Alexandra's Lover (Sex and the Season 3)
“I don’t dare, sir. My stepbrother might—”
“Lord Evan is in the city today,” Mr. Landon said. “I saw him taking breakfast at the Grand House several hours ago.”
Breakfast at a hotel? He had spent the night out? A dull thud landed in Ally’s belly. She swiftly pushed it away. What did she care? He could break his fast anywhere. He was certainly no concern of hers.
“He may still be there, for all I know,” Ally said. “But I can’t take the chance. He might have come home after you saw him and could walk in on us at any moment.”
“Darling Alexandra, your decision pains me. But alas, I am a patient man, and I can wait to sample your lovely jewels. However, I cannot wait forever.” He rose.
Was that some sort of ultimatum? It did not sit well with Ally. She had to work with haste to get him to marry her before he grew tired of waiting.
“Sir, I will be at least one of the balls. If you will wait for me, I promise you will not be disappointed.”
“I do look forward to that with bated breath, my lady.” Mr. Landon bowed and saw himself out of the parlor.
Ally let out a sigh. She’d made up her mind months ago that she would marry Mr. Landon. And if she had to give him a taste of her nipples, she would do so, but not in this house. She would do so at a ball, out on the terrace in a dark corner. In fact, she would let him do whatever he wanted. She just had to make sure someone was watching.
She adjusted the sleeves of her dress and picked up her novel. A few moments later, Sophie entered.
Ally looked up. “Did you enjoy your nap, Sophie?”
Sophie’s eyes looked sunken and sad. “Not especially.”
“Is something the matter, Sophie?”
“Oh goodness, nothing to get me so upset. After all you and Evan went through over the past couple of days, I feel like a shallow ninny for being bothered by anything.”
“You could never be shallow, Sophie dear.” Ally patted the seat next to her. “Come and tell me what is bothering you.”
Sophie sat down, wringing her hands. “Lord Van Arden stopped by to call on me while you and Evan were gone.”
“Yes? Were you not happy to see him?”
Sophie shook her head and sniffled. “Of course I was happy to see him. The problem is he was not exactly thrilled to see me.”
“Then why on earth did he come here?”
“It’s all so silly really. He came to tell me that he would no longer be coming by. He has fallen in love with a common woman.”
Ire pulsed through Alexandra. “How dare he? That little snake.”
Sophie sniffed. “Oh, Ally, it’s not his fault he fell in love with someone else. I do wish I had kissed him though. I know I said I would never allow any liberties, but a girl gets curious. And who knows when I will get another opportunity? Gentlemen aren’t exactly lining up for my favors. I fear I will end up like Mother, twenty-five and no prospects due to my timid nature. I don’t want to be forced into marriage the way she was.”
Ally embraced her sister in a tight hug. “You are only twenty-three. Not twenty-five. And you know very well Mother and the earl would never force you into anything. She wants better for us.”
Sophie pulled out of Ally’s embrace. She grabbed a handkerchief out of her pocket and wiped her eyes and nose. “I know Van Arden wasn’t the catch of the season, but he was a nice man, a gentle man, and I know he would never have hurt me.”
“It seems to me he has hurt you,” Ally said.
“I meant physically. The way our father hurt Mama.”
Ally nodded. “Unfortunately, there are all kinds of hurt, Sophie. I wish I could shield you from all of it.”
Sophie gulped. “You shield me from enough of it, dear sister. I always hated how he picked on you and hurt you. May God forgive me for not being able to stand up for you.”
“There’s nothing to forgive. The man was a tyrant. Believe me, he didn’t even hurt me after a while. You get numb to it. I almost felt powerful, to be honest. It was like I had this control over him. I could make him want to hurt me, and I had the power not to be hurt.”
“You’re so strong, Ally. I envy you.”