Page 42 of Rose in Bloom (Sex and the Season 2)
“Yes, thank you.”
Alexandra cleared her throat.
“My lord,” Iris said. “May I present my daughters, Lady Alexandra and Lady Sophie MacIntyre.”
“Such charming young ladies,” the earl said, taking each of their hands in turn. “Just babes when I saw you last.”
“Have we met, my lord?” Alexandra asked.
“You were but a few months old, as I recall. I met you two and your mother at the Ashford estate some…twenty years ago, I’d say.”
“Father,” Evan interrupted, taking Rose’s arm. “I’d like to present Lady Rose Jameson.”
“It’s an honor, my lord,” Rose said.
“Another charming lady who I last saw as a babe,” Brighton declared. “She is a beauty, Evan.”
“Yes, I think so too,” Evan replied.
Rose flushed. “I…have been looking forward to meeting you. I’m sure my sister and brother-in-law will be sorry that they missed your visit.”
“On their honeymoon?” Brighton laughed. “I doubt they’ll be the least bit sorry. I am looking forward to meeting the new duchess though. Perhaps all of you could come to my estate for the weekend after they return.”
“That’s a fine idea, Father,” Evan agreed.
“We’ll plan on it, then.” Brighton took an aperitif from a maid and took a sip. “I’m looking forward to dinner. You and Lybrook, may he rest in peace, always served the finest meals here, Your Grace.”
“We have had the same kitchen staff for over ten years,” Maggie said. “I’m sure they have something elegant planned.”
Crawford entered quietly. “Dinner is served, Your Grace.”
“Wonderful, Crawford. If you would all follow me,” Maggie said. “I hope you don’t mind. Since we are such a small group, I thought the informal dining room would be nicer and more…intimate.”
Iris warmed from head to toe. More intimate indeed. Maggie couldn’t possibly know about her affair with David, could she? Lucy had promised to keep their conversation in confidence. When she found herself seated next to David, though, she cast Lucy a sideways glance. Lucy’s lips curved ever so slightly upward. Yes, it had been purposefully arranged. David, always the consummate gentleman, held Iris’s chair for her as she sat down nervously.
“Tell me, my lord,” she said, “how are your other children?”
“They’re well, my lady. Jacob, my heir, is betrothed to Lady Emily Wilkes, the daughter of Earl of St. Clair, a fine young woman. And Miranda is married to Viscount Odegard. They have a small son, Peter.”
“How nice.” Now what to say? The silence was becoming stifling. She pleadingly looked at Lucy.
“Do you enjoy grandparenthood, my lord?” Lucy asked, giving Iris a subtle wink.
The earl laughed jovially. “Oh, yes, Peter is a spry little fellow. I wish I saw him more. My daughter and her husband prefer to spend most of their time in London, so we aren’t together often. The countess would have doted on him. I only regret that she passed on before he was born.”
The countess. Why did he have to mention her? “I was sorry to hear about your wife’s passing,” Iris said.
“It’s been a little over two years now,” the earl said. “How is your husband?”
“Longarry passed on about two years ago a
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
Iris eyed her plate and fidgeted with her napkin. Where was the first course? What to do with her hands? “That’s perfectly fine. The girls and I have managed quite well.”
“Of course. Where are you keeping yourself these days?”