Page 31 of Rose in Bloom (Sex and the Season 2)
“No, sweet, you need to rest. Your body needs to heal a little.”
“When can we do it again?”
He chuckled. “On the morrow, if you wish it.”
“Oh, I wish it,” she said, pulling him to her and kissing his lips. “Will you stay with me tonight?”
“I shouldn’t. Kat might need me in the middle of the night.”
“Please. I want to sleep in your arms.”
“What on earth made me think I might be able to resist you?” He kissed her cheek. “All right, but I’m going to run to the house and check on Kat first.”
“Mmmm. Don’t forget to come back.” Rose cuddled under the covers, closing her eyes.
“I won’t.”
When dawn broke, Rose woke up in Cameron’s arms. He was snuggled against her, spoon fashion. She lifted his hand to her lips, kissed it, and whispered. “You came back.”
He answered with a soft snore.
* * * *
Rose awoke to a soft knocking. She wiggled out from Cameron’s arms, hastily pulled a dressing gown over her head, and padded to the door. “Yes?” she said through the door.
“My lady,” came Mrs. Price’s voice, “Dr. Blake is here. Have you seen Cam this morning?”
Rose’s skin heated, even though Mrs. Price couldn’t see her. “N-No, I haven’t Mrs. Price.” She hated lying. Oh, what had she gotten herself into? “But I’d like to speak to the doctor. I know him quite well. I’ll be in shortly.”
“All right, my lady. Good morning.”
Rose hurried back to the bed and nudged Cameron. “Cam,” she said. “Cam, you need to wake up.”
His eyes flashed open for an instant and he rubbed them sleepily. He gave Rose a toothy grin, and then grabbed her and pulled her down for a kiss. “Good morning, sweet.”
Rose gazed at his handsome face, his wide smile. She seldom saw him smile, and what a treat it was. His two front teeth overlapped slightly. This tiny imperfection in his otherwise flawless male beauty was irresistibly attractive. She loved running her tongue over the ridge that the overlapping tooth created. That she was the source of his cheerful grin filled her with joy.
Although tempted to stay in bed with him, Rose said, “Cam, we can’t do this right now. Your mother was just at the door. She was looking for you. I…I told her that I hadn’t seen you.”
“You could have told her I was here,” Cam said. “I have nothing to hide.”
“No, I couldn’t have. It’s scandalous!” She kissed the tip of his nose, giggling. “But we need to get dressed. Dr. Blake is here to examine Kat, and we should speak with him. I’ll get dressed and go in first, and you can come in a couple minutes later and make some excuse for where you’ve been.”
“Of course we should, just as soon as I ravish you.” Cameron pulled her down on the bed and rolled over on top of her, kissing her deeply.
He was naked, and his arousal poked her thigh through her dressing gown.
“Get off me, you rogue,” she giggled, when he released her lips.
“No, I don’t think I will,” he whispered in her ear.
She ran her hands lightly up and down his muscular arms. “Oh, Cam. I do love you, and I do want you, but we must go see Dr. Blake.”
Cameron rolled off of her. “You’re wonderful, do you know that?”
“So are you.” She tumbled off the bed and threw his trousers at him. “Now get dressed, love of my life.”
“Yes, my lady.” He saluted her. “Is this what I have to look forward to with you? Commands and drills?” He arched his eyebrows in a lazy grin.