Page 15 of Rose in Bloom (Sex and the Season 2)
“Oh, that’s splendid,” Evan said. “I was hoping I could continue to see you.”
“Of course.”
“My father asks about you so often. I was afraid you might not want to meet him this soon.”
“Why wouldn’t I? I’m sure he’s just as fine a gentleman as you are.”
“Yes, of course, he’s a fine man.”
“Tell me a little bit about him.”
“He’s a widower, as you know. He enjoys horses as much as I do, so perhaps we can all go riding. I know he’ll be impressed with your riding skills.”
“That sounds lovely. I do look forward to meeting him.”
“He’ll adore you,” Evan said. “We should get back for lunch now. Would you care to take a short ride this afternoon, before I leave the estate?”
“Of course, that would be wonderful.”
“After lunch then. Come on, let’s get back.”
* * * *
Cameron’s head throbbed when he finally rolled out of his bed only slightly before noon. Thankfully, the man he had hired was working the farm, so he didn’t have to rise with the sun anymore. He raked his fingers through his long, thick hair and cleared his throat. He was hungry, and unbearably thirsty. He had never been prone to drink excessively, and he never would again. The water in his basin was stale and warm, but he used it to brush his teeth anyway, and then he pulled on a clean shirt and pair of trousers. He headed out the back door, avoiding his mother and sisters, and walked briskly to the creek behind his cottage. There he stripped off his clothes and plunged his body into the cold water, cleaning off the remnants of the previous evening. The coldness helped ease his hunger for Rose, but did not abate it altogether. He toweled himself off quickly, dressed, and decided to pay a visit to Eloise Warren. She was always good for a tumble.
Eloise was a young widow who lived on the Lybrook land. Cameron had bedded her a few times, as had many other men. She was pretty and clean, and all she asked in return was a few kind words and a chore or two around the house. Cameron had money this time, though. He wouldn’t have to stay and make small talk while he cleaned her barn or milked her spotted cow.
He saddled his stallion, Apollo, and trotted to the Warren cottage. Eloise sat on the porch, stitching a sampler, her bare feet visible beneath her apron and skirt. Her blond hair was light, lighter than Rose’s honey locks, and it was plaited into a long braid hanging down her back. Though not as tall as Rose, whose above average height seemed to fit Cameron’s lean build perfectly, Eloise was well-figured and pleasing to the eye. A smattering of freckles veiled her nose, giving her a fresh look.
“Afternoon, Cam!”
He dismounted Apollo and bowed to her politely.
“What brings you this way today?”
As if she didn’t know. When had Cameron come to call for any reason other than a tumble in bed? “Just out and about. I was hoping you might have some…time before dinner?” His neck warmed.
“For you, of course. Come on in.”
Eloise stood and entered her small dwelling. Cameron followed.
“I’ve been hoping you would come by to see me.”
“You have?”
“Yes. I think you’re the most attractive of all the single men around here. I’ve been yearning for you ever since you beat the duke in the archery challenge on May Day.”
“The way you stared down your arrow. You had so much concentration and focus. It was powerful, that’s what it was.”
“I don’t know that anyone has ever described archery that way, Mrs. Warren.”
“Cam, call me Eloise. We don’t stand on ceremony here.”
“Of course, Eloise.”
She moved toward him, loosening the strings on her peasant blouse. She wore no corset, and soon her round breasts were tumbling free. She took his hands and cupped them around her bosom, as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her. Her lips were soft and wet, and she knew how to kiss. She plunged her tongue into Cameron’s mouth. Her mouth felt different than Rose’s. Eloise was fresh cotton where Rose was silk. He turned away from her and lowered his mouth to her neck, nuzzling her soft flesh. She smelled of soap, where Rose had smelled of strawberries. Slowly he lowered his head farther, to kiss and suck her breasts. Her nipples were paler than Rose’s, and the circles not as large. He brought one into his mouth, tugging gently.