Page 126 of Rose in Bloom (Sex and the Season 2)
“Go ahead,” Ashford said. “Denbigh outranks me. I shan’t keep you from your business.”
“Papa, really.” Lily rolled her eyes. “Your obsession over rank is so— Oh, never mind. Come now,” she said to Rose and Cameron. “Let’s see what this is about.”
* * * *
The elderly Lady Denbigh sat in her wheelchair with a cup of tea. Cameron strode forward and took her hand.
“It’s a pleasure to see you again, my lady,” he said.
“The pleasure is mine, Mr. Price.” Lady Denbigh smiled. “I would like to introduce my son, Beauregard Adams, the ninth Marquess of Denbigh.”
Cameron raised his head to regard the older gentleman standing behind his mother’s wheelchair. He was tall, about Cameron’s own height, with a shock of thick white hair and a finely chiseled jawline, devoid of the wrinkles of age. As Cameron readied himself to bow politely, his heart nearly stopped.
His own silver eyes stared back at him.
Chapter Eighteen
Cameron gulped down his surprise. “My lord, it’s a pleasure.” He motioned to Rose and Lily, “May I present my betrothed, Lady Rose Jameson, and her sister, the Duchess of Lybrook.”
“I’m charmed,” Lord Denbigh said. “What rare beauties you both are.”
“You’re a flatterer, my lord,” Lily said flirtatiously. “I’m not sure the duke would approve.”
“I’d have given him a run for his money in my day,” Denbigh laughed.
Kat squealed and ran to Cam. “You’re betrothed? You mean Lady Rose will be my sister?”
“Yes, Kitty-Kat.” Cam scooped the little girl into his arms. “Lady Rose will be your sister. She’s going to come live with us.”
“Oh! You’ll love our townhome, Lady Rose. And Tricia and I have our own governess, Miss Penney. But maybe you can be our governess now.”
“Kat, Lady Rose is going to be my wife, not your governess,” Cameron said.
“But we’ll spend all sorts of time together, I promise.” Rose tousled the little girl’s hair.
Newland cleared his throat. “Price, the marquess and marchioness need to speak to you. It’s a matter of some importance.”
“I can’t imagine what it would be,” Cam said.
“Oh Cam”—Mrs. Price strode forward—“it’s the most amazing story.”
“All right. It must be important if you came all this way.”
“Perhaps I should take Kat and Tricia out to the kennels to see the puppies,” Lily said.
“What a lovely idea, Your Grace,” Mrs. Price said. “We’d be obliged.”
“No trouble at all.” Lily ushered the girls out.
“May we speak in private, Mr. Price?” the marchioness asked.
“Of course, but I want Lady Rose to stay. Anything that concerns me concerns her as well.”
“Very well,” Denbigh said. “Newland and your mother are already aware of all the details, so let me get straight to the point then. I believe you are my grandson.”
Cameron jolted backward but caught himself. Rose tightened her hold on his arm.
“I beg your pardon?”