Page 111 of Rose in Bloom (Sex and the Season 2)
it in your face.”
“But she’s better off with a husband of the nobility. So she didn’t marry Xavier. There will be dozens of other young lords waiting for a chance at her. With her gentleness and her beauty, she won’t lack for attention. She is the most wonderful woman alive.”
“You do love her.”
He said nothing for a moment. Then, “I can’t give her what she requires.”
“For God’s sake. Stop being an idiot!”
“Lily, the man does have his pride,” Daniel said gently.
“Yes, yes, the male pride. Of course. I understand completely.” She fidgeted with her skirts. “You’re both idiots.”
“You dark brooding types are all the same,” she said to Cameron. Then, turning to her husband, “Thank goodness I fell for a blond rakish type. Much more fun.”
“Price,” Daniel said, “I understand that you don’t think you can offer anything of significance to my sister-in-law. But I’m going to insist that you accompany us to Laurel Ridge. Tonight.”
“And if I don’t?”
“Then I shall take you by force,” Daniel said. “Don’t underestimate me. I will see Rose happy.”
“Please, Mr. Price,” Lily urged. “Rose needs you.”
“And I need her, damn it.” Cameron pounded his fist on his desk. “All right. I’ll go. God, I hope it’s not too late.”
They hurried toward the side entrance to the theatre, but were waylaid by Zachary Newland who was pushing an elderly woman in a wheelchair. The countess of Myerson walked beside them.
“Price,” Newland called. “Just the man I was looking for. I want you to meet the Dowager Marchioness of Denbigh.”
“It’s an honor, my lady.” Cameron took the old woman’s hand. “I’m sorry I can’t stay and chat with you, but I’ve some pressing business—”
“I quite enjoyed your compositions, Mr. Price,” Lady Denbigh, said, staring into his eyes. “You’re a splendid talent.”
“Thank you.” Then, remembering his companions. “I’m sorry. May I present the Duke and Duchess of Lybrook. Lady Denbigh, Lady Myerson, Mr. Newland.”
“We’re so pleased to see all of you,” Lily said, “but I’m afraid Mr. Price is correct. We do have some pressing business to attend to.”
“What must you attend to at this hour?” Newland asked.
“It’s—” Cameron heaved a sigh. “I’m going after the woman I love, Newland, and no one on this earth will stop me!”
Lady Myerson smiled. “The woman you told me about?”
“Yes, yes. She’s the duchess’s sister.”
“Then go get her, Mr. Price. Go get her.”
“Yes, do,” Lady Denbigh agreed. “Don’t ever let love get away.”
“Thank you both for your understanding.” Cameron kissed each of their hands and turned to Newland. “Could you see that my mother and sisters get home safely?”
“Yes, Price, of course.”
“Thank you,” he said, stumbling toward the door. “Thank you very much!”
He stopped abruptly as one of the actresses crossed his path carrying a bouquet of pink roses. “Lorna, those are lovely,” he said, pulling one bloom away from the others. “May I?”