Page 105 of Rose in Bloom (Sex and the Season 2)
“I think he misses Lady Rose.”
Tricia arched her eyebrows. Her little sister was observant. “I think it’s you who miss Lady Rose, Kat.”
“Yes, I do. I wish she could be our governess instead of Miss Penney.”
“Goodness, Kat, Lady Rose is a lady of the peerage. She would never be someone’s governess. Besides, Miss Penney is a jewel. Aren’t you fond of her?”
“She’s pretty, but not as pretty as Lady Rose.”
“No one’s as pretty as Lady Rose,” Tricia said.
“You are.”
Tricia laughed softly. “That’s a fine compliment, Kat. Thank you.”
“And Lady Lily is too.”
“And someday you will be, I’ve no doubt. Turn around now.” Tricia brushed Kat’s soft dark hair. While Tricia and Cameron possessed hair black as night, Kat’s was a rich brown that fell in soft curls around her shoulders. Her cocoa-colored eyes and pretty round face would one day mature into true beauty. “How would you like to wear your hair up tonight, Kitty-Kat?” she asked.
“Could I, Trish?”
“Just this once, I think you could.”
“What will Mum say?”
“She won’t say anything. We’ll stay up here until it’s time to go.” Tricia piled Kat’s soft curls on top of her head. “You have lovely hair. One day the boys are going to flock to you.”
“Like they flock to you?”
“Well, they’re hardly flocking now.”
“They did at our old h
Tricia smiled. Yes, she had garnered her share of attention from the tenants and village men. But here, in the city, without a recognized name or dowry, she would have a more difficult time. Her sixteenth birthday was less than a month away, and Cameron still felt she was too young to be courted anyway. “We’re no longer at our old house.” She placed the last pin in her little sister’s hair. “Now, come to the looking glass.”
“I love it!” Kat squealed.
“I’m glad.” Tricia kissed Kat and gave her cheeks a pinch. “There, now you have some color. That’s what ladies do so they’ll have a rosy complexion.”
Kat giggled and pinched them again.
“Not so much, Kat, or you’ll bruise yourself. Just a little.” Tricia pinched her own cheeks. “See? Like that. Now you sit down on the bed, and you can watch me get ready.”
Tricia had already donned her periwinkle-blue evening gown, so she sat down to begin work on her hair.
“Your dress is the color of your eyes,” Kat said.
“More the color of Cam’s eyes,” Tricia replied. “Mine are considerably darker.”
“No, Cam’s are more like silver,” said Kat. “Mum says he has our papa’s eyes.”
“Yes, he does.”
“I wish I could remember Papa.”
“I know, Kat. He was a good papa. I’m sorry you didn’t get to know him.”