Page 93 of Lily and the Duke (Sex and the Season 1)
“Yes. Go on inside. She’ll be happy to see you.”
“Thank you.” Miss Landon entered the humble dwelling, leaving Lily and Rose on the porch with Cameron and the girls.
“So, Kat,” Cameron said to his sister, “how did you talk these nice young ladies into following you home?”
“How do you know it wasn’t Tricia?”
Cameron winked at his little sister. “Because I know you, Kitty-Kat.” He turned to Lily and Rose. “I’m sorry if she caused you any trouble, my ladies.”
“Oh, not at all. She’s adorable,” Lily said.
“Yes,” Rose agreed. “I think we would have followed her anywhere.”
“She has that effect on people.” Cameron began to strum his guitar again, bringing forth a haunting melody.
“That’s lovely,” Rose said “I can’t quite place the tune. What is it?”
“I wrote it myself.”
“Cam has sold two songs in London!” Katrina beamed.
“Really?” Rose said. “Which songs?”
“I’m sure you’ve never heard of them, my lady,” Cameron said. “Neither had a very large distribution. They were only popular among us common folk.”
Rose reddened, and Lily seethed. How dare this man speak to her sister so rudely? But his silver gaze, as he looked upon Rose, was not rude. It was very nearly…intimate.
Lily gritted her teeth and said, “Rose is quite the musician also. She plays the pianoforte beautifully.”
“I’m no composer,” Rose said shyly. “I’ve always admired those who could string notes together into melody and harmony. I’ve never quite had the aptitude for it.”
“I’m afraid my work would probably disappoint a highbred lady such as yourself.” Cameron laid down his guitar. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve loafed long enough on the porch. I need to get back to the fields. Kat, take them in to meet Mum, will you?”
“Yes, Cam.”
Miss Landon sat on a davenport next to a striking woman with silvery streaked black hair.
“There they are now,” Miss Landon said. “Come, my ladies. I want you to meet Mrs. Clementine Price. Mrs. Price, this is Lady Lily Jameson, the duke’s betrothed, and her sister, Lady Rose.”
“Congratulations on your betrothal, my lady,” Mrs. Price said.
“Thank you, Mrs. Price.”
“I think Cam likes the other one,” Katrina said, an impish grin on her adorable face. “He couldn’t take his eyes off her!”
Rose blushed and fidgeted with her handkerchief.
“Kat, do be quiet,” Mrs. Price said.
“It was wonderful to see you,” Miss Landon said, rising. “I so enjoyed our chat. However, the girls and I have many more families to visit this afternoon, so we must be going.”
“Yes, of course,” Mrs. Price said. “We do thank you for the provisions.”
“It’s our pleasure. Good day to you all.”
As they walked back toward their carriage and wagons, Lily nudged Rose and whispered, “That young man was rude and impudent, but a wonderful musician. And he fancies you.”