Page 81 of Lily and the Duke (Sex and the Season 1)
“What is it, love?”
“Thank you for looking after me.”
“I would do anything for you. I had hoped that you knew that by now.”
“It’s all right.”
“No, it’s… Your gifts were very generous, Daniel. They touched my heart, really. But I can’t accept them, especially the Vermeer. It’s too much.”
“I want you to have the Vermeer. It will be half yours when we marry anyway.”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” Lily said. “When we marry, I cease to be. I’ll have no ownership rights. Everything of mine will belong to you, and I shall be forced to obey you and yield to you in every way.”
“It’s true, and you know it.”
“I would never take away your identity.”
“But you will exert your husbandly rights, won’t you?”
“I’ll have to exert some of them. It will be my duty to take care of you and see to your best interests,” he said. “You’ll be my responsibility.”
“I don’t want to be anyone’s responsibility. Damn it all to hell!”
“Lily, please.”
“I need to go to my chamber and dress for the ball. There isn’t much time.”
He strode toward her.
“No.” She held up her arms. “Don’t bother escorting me. Discretion is a moot point now, isn’t it?” She walked out the door and shut it, not quietly, behind her.
Lily entered her chamber and found Rose bathing, looking pale and sickly.
“There you are, Lily. Lord, my head is throbbing.”
“I can fix that,” Lily said.
She rang for a maid. “I need a bath prepared for myself, and then I’ll need by hair done. First, though, I need a headache powder for my sister, and find Mr. Putney and tell him I need a glass of whatever he made for me earlier.”
“He’ll know what I mean. In fact, I need three glasses. Deliver two of them to Ladies Sophie and Alexandra next door. Now go.”
“I would really like to die,” Rose said. “I swear on Mother’s life, I will never drink again!”
“Don’t say that, dear, you’ll miss out on the champagne tonight.”
“My goodness, don’t mention champagne.”
“Come on.” Lily held up a towel. “Out of the tub.”
Lily helped Rose dry off and put on a dressing gown, and then brushed out her hair for her. The maid came back with the headache powder and Rose grimaced when the bitterness fell on her tongue.
“It will help,” Lily said. “My bath is ready, and I need to hurry. When the maid comes with a glass of…disgusting looking liquid, I want you to drink it all, do you understand?”