Page 52 of Lily and the Duke (Sex and the Season 1)
“I couldn’t possibly. I don’t have anything prepared.”
“Aren’t you working on that Beethoven?” Lily asked.
“The key word is ‘working,’ Lily. It’s not ready for an audience.”
“Don’t believe a thing she tells you,” Lily said. “She has a beautiful repertoire.”
“Fine then,” Daniel said. “Shall we say tonight after dinner? About eleven in the conservatory?”
“I-I’m not sure…” Rose stammered.
“She’d be delighted,” Lily said, laughing. “Now let’s see some more of this beautiful estate. And do pick up the pace, Daniel. I’m not made of china, you know. I want to ride!”
“All right, Lily,” he said. “You asked for it.”
He urged Midnight into a gallop, and Lily laughed with the pure exhilaration of the ride. Daniel slowed Midnight when they came to an ornate cast iron gate off the trail.
“Where does that lead?” Lily asked Daniel.
“It’s a garden. Would you like to see it?”
“Yes, of course. Is anything in bloom this time of year?”
“You’d be surprised.” He turned to the others. “Lily wants to take a look at the garden. Would you two care to join us?”
“Of course,” Rose said, turning to Evan. “If it’s all right with you, my lord.”
“Fine with me,” he said. “Is there a hitching post?”
“Yes, right here.” Daniel motioned. They dismounted and saw to their horses. Daniel opened the gate. They stepped inside and Lily and Rose both gasped. The garden was like a maze, with leafy shrubbery arranged in intricate formations. A few white benches sat nearby, and several little pathways led into the heart of the greenery.
“It’s so much bigger than I imagined,” Lily said. “It’s enchanting, like a labyrinth. Whoever dreamed up such a place?”
“My grandmother,” Daniel said. “She envisioned an oasis to attract fairies and gnomes and the like. She was a bit odd in the head, but a great duchess.”
“I definitely need to bring my paints here,” Lily said.
“Would you care to walk a little, my lady?” Evan offered his arm to Rose.
“That would be lovely.”
Lily started to follow them, but Daniel held her back. “Let them go alone.”
“I can’t,” Lily said. “I’m her chaperone. Rose is innocent.”
“So were you a few days ago.”
“I was never the innocent that Rose is. I read.”
Daniel chuckled softly. “Let them have some time. They seem to like each other.”
“If you think best,” Lily said. Once Rose and Evan were out of sight, she tilted her head upward and sought Daniel’s mouth with her own.
“Easy, Lily, or I may have to rip off your clothes and have you right here.”
“Control yourself.” Lily laughed, kissing him again.
He turned his face from her. “I want you so much right now. If you keep kissing me, I may not be able to stop. You know what I’m capable of.”