Page 26 of Lily and the Duke (Sex and the Season 1)
“Well, I’ll think on it,” Lily continued. “I don’t want him seated next to Regina Wentworth. She’s been trying to drag him to the altar for months, and truthfully she’s a ni
nny. And keep that horrible Lady Amanda Gregory away from him too. She’ll do anything to snag another title. As for my cousin, Alexandra, Lord Wentworth seems slightly interested in her, although she can do better. I’d prefer that he be kept away from me also. He’s been trying to court me for the last year, and I’m not at all interested.” Lily’s mind raced with deviltry. “In fact, put Wentworth next to Amanda Gregory.”
“It’s Amelia Gregory, Lily.”
“I don’t give two figs what the doxy’s name is, Daniel. Just keep her away from my brother. Put her next to Wentworth, and find some old lecherous codger for her other side. Now, for Alexandra, perhaps you could seat Lord Victor next to her.”
Daniel spoke slowly. “Polk seems taken with you, Lily. You spent a lot of time with him last night.”
“He’s very nice and I did enjoy his company, but as you know, I’m not in the market for a husband. I think he and Alexandra would get on well, and she finds him quite attractive.”
“So you’re not at all interested in Polk?”
“Not in the slightest.”
“I’m glad to know that,” Daniel said, smiling.
“No need to worry. Now, can you do all that, Daniel?”
Daniel shook his head and laughed.
“What is so funny?”
“You are adorable, do you know that?”
“Don’t change the subject. Can you take care of this or not?”
“Lily, do you really expect me to remember everything you just said?”
“Of course. What’s so difficult about it?”
“Why don’t I just have the seating chart sent to your chamber later for your approval?”
“There’s no need to tease me. I’m only asking for a simple little favor.”
“Simple?” He chuckled. “I’ll take care of it.”
“Thank you.” She leaned over and brushed her lips against his cheek. “Lunch was fabulous, but I really must go now.” She stood and walked to where her clothes lay in a heap on the floor. “Could you help me with my corset and gown?”
“I’d rather help you out of them.”
“I’m already out of them.”
“Then stay out of them. Come back to bed with me.”
“Didn’t you say you had business to attend to this afternoon?”
“Yes, and I do, but I’d rather stay here with you. I did promise to make up for our unfortunate interruption in the bath.” He eased the dressing gown off of her shoulders, caressing her arms as it fell to the ground.
“Oh…” She sighed. “No, I have to go. I must get back to my chamber and change into an afternoon dress. Goodness, what am I going to do about my hair?”
“Wear it down. It will dry in the afternoon sun, and you’ll look ravishing.” He stroked her nipples lightly with his thumbs.
“Stop that, I can’t think.” She reluctantly pushed his hands away. “And I couldn’t possibly wear my hair down. I’m twenty-one, not twelve.” She paused, regarding his handsome face. “How old are you, Daniel?”
“Thirty-two, though around you I feel no more than nineteen.”
“Is that a compliment?”