Page 115 of Lily and the Duke (Sex and the Season 1)
“All right.”
Daniel reluctantly left the room, negotiating his way to his father’s chamber in the west wing. Putney was waiting for him and started to speak, but Daniel silenced him with a gesture.
“Wake me in two hours, Putney,” he said, and fell on his father’s bed.
* * *
Two hours later Daniel bathed and shaved. He ordered a lunch tray but couldn’t eat more than a couple of bites. He went back to his chamber and found Rose and Thomas tending to her.
“How is she?”
“The same,” Rose said. “She had a bout of the chills about an hour ago, but she’s better now.”
Daniel went to her side. “Where’s the countess?”
“She went down to the kitchen to instruct the cooks on how to prepare some special broth for Lily,” Rose said. “She’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“You two can go,” Daniel said. “I’ll care for her.”
“You look like hell, Lybrook,” Thomas said.
“Thank you. I just had a bath.”
“I didn’t say you weren’t clean. But have you slept at all?”
“Only for two hours. I wanted to get back to Lily.”
“Goodness, you need your rest,” Rose said. “Have you eaten anything?”
“Just a few bites.”
“That’s ridiculous. I’m ordering a tray for you. You can eat in here while you sit with her.” Rose stood.
“I don’t want—”
“Nonsense, you’ll do as I say.”
Daniel turned to Thomas. “She and your mother are just like Lily, aren’t they?”
Thomas smiled. “I’m afraid so. Lily’s a bit noisier than they are, but all three of them manage to get their way no matter what.”
“Do be quiet, Thomas,” Rose said.
“My father and I pretty much let them do as they please,” Thomas continued. “They will anyway. You may as well eat. She’ll hover over you until you do.”
Daniel shook his head, a trace of amusement touching his lips. “Has my mother been in?”
“Yes, she was here about an hour ago. She visited with my mother and Rose, and left about the same time I came.”
“And the doctor?”
“He was here a half hour ago. Said things were looking good. Miss Landon came and checked her also, and my aunt and cousins were here.”
Daniel sat down on the bed and took Lily’s hand. “Damn it, why won’t she wake up?”
“Blake said she may not,” Thomas said. “He said not to expect it for sure until tomorrow.”
Daniel touched his lips to Lily’s forehead. “She seems a little cooler.”