Page 101 of Lily and the Duke (Sex and the Season 1)
“Morgan was Charles’s heir, Lily. When the boys were small, Charles was devoted to both of them. He played ball with them, took them fishing and hunting, taught them how to ride. But when Morgan turned eight, Charles decided it was time to start grooming him into the next Duke of Lybrook. He was no longer allowed to play with Daniel. Charles monopolized him, taking him to bus
iness meetings, estate affairs, the like.”
“But what of Daniel?” Lily’s heart ached for the sad little boy. “Surely it would have benefited him to learn about the affairs of the estate, especially considering how things turned out.”
“Yes, hindsight is always clear, isn’t it? With Charles, everything was either black or white. Morgan was the heir, and Daniel was not, so Daniel was left to flounder. He lost not only his father’s time and devotion, but also his best friend in the world. Charles and I decided to send Daniel away to school, while Morgan stayed on the estate and studied with private tutors. We hoped being with other boys his own age would ease his loneliness for Morgan.”
Lily gasped. “You sent a seven-year-old boy away?”
“Don’t judge us too harshly, dear. Had I the chance to do it over again, I would not allow it. When you have your own child, you’ll know a love like no other. It tore my heart out to lose Daniel. But Charles insisted, and I’m afraid I wasn’t strong enough to fight for my son. I live with that to this day. Not only did Daniel lose his father and brother to the dukedom, he lost Lucy and me as well when we sent him away.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound judgmental.”
“It’s all right. And Daniel did enjoy school. He made some lifelong friends, and he excelled in his studies. He especially loved the arts, and he was also quite gifted in the sciences. He’s very bright, my Daniel.”
“Yes, I know. I think he’ll be a fine duke.”
“I know he will, especially with you by his side. He is learning, and he is trying. But he has been thrust into this position with no preparation whatsoever. Charles put everything into Morgan.”
The duchess paused, stirring more honey into her tea. “Daniel eventually made peace with Charles, although they were never as close as they once were, but I believe he loved his father, and I know he loved Morgan. And I believe he loves me and Lucy. But he never allowed himself to love anyone else. After he finished his schooling, he had nothing to do. He could have been a huge help to Charles and Morgan, running the estate. I tried to talk to Charles about it, but his response was that Morgan was the heir, and it was his responsibility.” The duchess cleared her throat. “My Charles was a great man and a loving husband, but as I said, everything was either black or white with him. Consequently, Daniel, with nothing to occupy his appreciable intelligence, and a great fear of loving, embarked on a decade of indiscriminate affairs, of which I’m sure you’ve heard.”
Lily nodded. “He’s quite well known.”
“I know. Not my proudest moment as a mother, of course. But I do adore my Daniel. He has so much to offer, and now, for the first time, I believe he is trying to open his heart.”
“To me?”
“Yes, my dear, to you.” The duchess smiled. “You see, I know that the two of you have been…seeing each other.”
Lily’s face warmed. She wanted to disappear into the plush rug under her feet.
“I couldn’t be happier with Daniel’s choice,” the duchess said. “I hold both your parents in the highest esteem. I’ve known your mother since she was a babe.”
“Yes, I know. She told me that your sister and my Auntie Iris were best friends as girls.”
“All four of us were close, actually. I’ve tried to get Flora to use my Christian name over the years, but she won’t hear of it, insisting upon calling me ‘Your Grace.’”
“That’s just Mummy,” Lily said.
“Yes, I know. She’s a fine woman. We lost touch over the years. But I had a good life with Charles. It wasn’t easy to watch Daniel engage in so many meaningless dalliances.”
“I understand.”
“When Charles and Morgan passed on, Daniel became the seventh Duke of Lybrook.”
The duchess’s eyes shimmered with tears, and Lily offered her handkerchief.
“Thank you, dear. Imagine, for a moment, what it was like to lose a father and a brother, and then be plagued with new responsibilities for which you were completely unprepared. So what did Daniel do? He ran.”
“To the continent,” Lily said.
“Yes. I didn’t try to stop him. I don’t think I could have anyway. I understood his need for escape. I let him go. Luckily, our solicitors and bankers took care of the estate while he was gone, and our holdings are secure. Then, a few months ago, I received a letter from Daniel, telling me he was returning to resume his responsibilities. He apologized for leaving me when I needed him, and he vowed to do better in the future as a son, as a duke, and as a man. Lucy and I planned this house party to come out of mourning, but I had an ulterior motive. I wanted you and Daniel to meet again.”
“Did you know that we had actually met before?”
“Yes. He told me the day he found you in my little alcove. He mentioned your talent and what a pretty child you were.”
Lily’s heart jumped and her lips curved into a smile.