Page 62 of Spark (Steel Brothers Saga 19)
Irritation niggles at me. Is Donny standing me up? If so, why should this sandwich go to waste? I pull it out of the bag, unwrap it, and take a bite.
Gah! It’s delicious. Smoked turkey breast, bacon, tomato, green leaf lettuce, and yeah, avocado. All bound together with something that resembles mayonnaise but tastes so much better, like it’s infused with chipotle or cumin or something.
I can’t help myself. I take another bite but stop chewing as I look up and see Donny walking briskly toward me.
I swallow quickly and take a big gulp of Diet Coke to get it down.
“You’re late,” I finally say.
He chuckles. “Is that my sandwich?”
I thrust it toward him. “Yeah. Sorry. I wasn’t sure if you were coming…and it smelled so good…”
“It’s okay. I apologize for being late. I was looking through documents, and I lost track of time. It’s kind of a lawyer thing. Did you leave me any?”
“I only took two bites.”
“I thought you had a sandwich.”
“I did. It was about a third the size of yours, though.”
“Ava’s creations are the best.” He takes a bite. “Mmm. The Donny.”
“That’s your sandwich?” Ava has sandwiches named for each of her family members. “So your family does know how much you love turkey, then.”
“They know. They just don’t know I love it as much as beef. Ava can’t just serve roast beef sandwiches, you know.”
I smile and slide a bottle of water toward him. “I got you a water, too.”
He swallows. “Thanks. So how’s your first day going?” He takes another bite.
“Good. About what I expected. Nothing too mentally challenging, but that’s okay. I’m glad to be working.”
He nods, swallowing. “I might be able to help you with a mental challenge.”
I perk up instantly. “Yeah? I’m your woman.”
He smiles. “I certainly hope so.”
Warmth rushes to my cheeks. God, I’m probably turning about a billion shades of scarlet. “I didn’t mean…”
“I know exactly what you meant, Callie. I’m teasing.”
I’m both relieved and disappointed.
He goes on, “I need a friend in the office.”
Friend? I’m just a friend? More disappointment. “I’m your friend, Donny.”
“I know. What I mean is… I need someone I can trust.”
“I’m sure you can trust your mom.”
“Sure,” he says, though he doesn’t sound quite sure. “But she’ll be out for a week at least with Dad, and I hardly know Troy and Alyssa.”
“You don’t?”
He shakes his head. “I’ve been in Denver for over ten years.”
“Right.” I nod.
“Anyway, I’m…” He looks over his shoulder and then back at me. “I’m doing some research, and I’m going to need some help.”
“Research? Of course. That’d be great.”
He pauses a moment, staring into my eyes. “You look beautiful.”
I warm again. “Thank you.”
“You know, it’s hard to concentrate when you’re so lovely.”
Again with the warmth. I’m certainly the color of a beet by now.
“Research?” I say again.
“Right.” He blinks and then gets serious. “Callie, I need to be able to trust you.”
“Of course you can trust me.”
“You know, of course, that as an attorney I’m bound by ethical guidelines. Confidentiality. All that kind of stuff.”
“Yes, of course.”
“And as an employee in the office, you’re bound as well.”
I nod. “Of course. I’m a sealed book, Donny. Seriously.”
He smiles. “I believe you are.”
“So what do you need? I’ll do anything.”
“Really? Anything?” He waggles his eyebrows.
“Well…within the bounds of the office.” I warm again. “Though I’m not averse to other stuff either.”
He smiles. “Glad to hear that. This weekend we’ll put that to the test. Right now I’m talking about some research that has to be kept completely secret. Just between you and me.”
I drop my mouth open. “Oh?”
“Well, Dale will know. He and I are working on some stuff together.”
“Okay. What kind of a case is it?”
“It’s not a case.”
“But you’re the city attorney…”
“Acting city attorney, and yes, I’ll stay on top of all that. But Callie, I need someone to do some…personal research.”
“I wouldn’t feel right taking a paycheck to do anything personal.”
“Not a paycheck from the city, of course. You’ll be taking a paycheck from me.”
“Oh. I guess that’s okay. As long as it’s not during working hours.”
He sighs. “It might be. And it might require using city resources.”
I bite my lip. “I don’t know, Donny…”
He grabs my hand, rubs his thumb into my palm. “Forget it. I shouldn’t ask.”
I should be relieved. Indeed, I am. But I also want to help him. I love this man, and if there’s something he needs, I want to provide it.
After a few minutes that seem like hours, I finally say, “Donny, what’s all this about?”
Chapter Forty-Three
Donny, what’s all this about?
A loaded question if there ever was one, and my earlier conversation with my brother haunts me as well.
“She’s cool, Dale.”
“I know that, and I know you’ve got the hots for her. It’s just… This has to stay between us.”
I nod. “Got it. And I agree.”