Page 52 of Spark (Steel Brothers Saga 19)
“Who would have anything against Talon Steel?” Rory asks. “The Steels do so much for the town.”
“It could just be random,” Mom says.
“On private property?” Rory shakes her head. “I don’t buy it. Someone targeted Talon, but why?”
I have no answer to my sister’s question.
I have no answer to any question at the moment.
“I’ll head over to the Steel place,” Mom says. “See if there’s anything I can do.”
“They’re all at the hospital, Mom,” I say.
“Right. Of course. Maybe Darla needs some help.”
My mom means well, but we all know there’s nothing we can do for the Steels that they can’t do for themselves. They have unlimited resources.
“There’s nothing we can do,” I say softly.
I’m right. If there were, I’d be doing it.
Doing it for the man I love.
Yeah, I love him. I’m not ready for this, and I doubt he’ll ever return my feelings, but I love him.
How do you fall in love after one date?
Beats me, but it happened.
I love Donovan Steel.
And there’s nothing I can do for him.
Chapter Thirty-Five
“Donny! Thank God!” My mother launches herself at me.
I return her embrace for a few seconds until she finally pulls back.
“The doctor was just here. He’s in recovery now. They won’t let me see him until he’s awake. Out of the anesthesia.”
“Hey, Don,” Dale says.
I hug both him and Ashley, and then Brianna.
“Diana?” I ask.
“She’s on her way.” Bree’s face is swollen and tearstained.
“She shouldn’t be making the drive alone,” I say.
“I agree,” Mom says, “but what alternative is there? A flight would take longer at this point. At least you’re here now. For good.”
I nod. I’m here because Mom asked me to come. To be her assistant city attorney and take over when she retires. It wasn’t in my plans, but I’ll do anything for family, especially Mom and Dad. If I could go back in time and throw myself between Dad and that bullet, I’d do it without hesitation.
“Do we know anything else?” I ask.
Mom shakes her head. “Whoever did this is long gone. The hand who found him is Jed Michaels. He’s only been with us since July. He was laid off after the fire, but he stayed on property and was out on an early jog. Thank God. What if no one had happened by? What if—”
“Stop it, Mom. Don’t put yourself through that.”
She nods, swallowing. Her pretty face is red from crying, and her blue eyes are swollen and bloodshot.
“I got you a suite at the Carlton,” Dale says to Mom. “It’s open-ended. Darla’s packing a bag for you, and Willow will drive it over.”
“Don’t bother Willow,” Mom says. “She’s been through enough.”
“My mom’s glad to help,” Ashley says. “She knows what you’re going through.”
“At least my husband’s alive.” Mom attempts a smile. “Please thank her for me. But I only need the bag, not the suite, Dale. I’m not leaving your father’s side.”
“You need a decent bed, Mom,” I say.
“The only thing I need is my husband. To be here for him. What if something happens in the middle of the night? What if—”
“Stop,” I say gently. “Please.”
She sniffles and nods. “You’re right, Donny. You always are.”
“Jade, let’s go get a cup of coffee or something,” Ashley says. “You need to get out of here.”
Mom shakes her head. “I can’t.”
“Ashley’s right, Mom,” Bree agrees. “Come on.”
The two of them manage to get Mom out of the waiting area. I’m not sure how they did it. Then Dale turns to me.
“We need to talk, Don.”
I sigh. “I know.”
“Shit’s going down, and it’s not funny anymore.”
“I don’t think it was ever funny, Dale.”
“You know what I mean. Shit’s getting uncovered, and all of a sudden our father gets shot?” He shakes his head, frowning. “I don’t like it. Not one bit.”
“Of course you don’t like it. None of us do. Our dad was shot.”
“You know what I mean.”
“You think this is all related?”
“Don’t you? You’re an attorney, for God’s sake.”
Uncle Ryan and Uncle Joe burst in then, putting a halt to our conversation.
“Hey,” Uncle Joe says. “Why didn’t anyone call us sooner?”
“We tried,” Dale says. “No one was answering. He’s out of surgery, in recovery. Things look good so far.”
“Thank God,” Uncle Ryan says. “Mel and Ruby are parking the car. We all came together.”
“We can’t see him yet. Not until he’s conscious,” I say.
Ryan nods. “Where’s your mother?”
“Bree and Ashley took her to get coffee. She’s… Well, she’s doing as well as can be expected.”
“She’s strong,” Joe says. “Marj and Bryce are on the way. Damn. How can something like this happen?”
Dale shakes his head. “Fuck if I know. But if I ever find the son of a bitch, I’ll rip his head off with my bare hands.”
“Get in line.” Uncle Joe’s eyes darken.
That look. Uncle Joe’s dark side. Everyone knows about it, but no one talks about it. We all just stay away from him when he goes red.