Page 42 of Spark (Steel Brothers Saga 19)
She takes a drink.
“I’d say the Pike work ethic is every bit as strong as ours. Given that you’re giving up your dream to help out in a hard time.”
“I won’t disagree. We do what we have to.”
“Doesn’t mean you have to like it,” I say.
She laughs softly. “I love my family. I do. But I have zero interest in ranching and winemaking. Make that absolute zero.”
“What kind of things do you do to help out?”
“I’m good at math. I help with the books. I’m also good at writing, so if we need to apply for a grant or something, that’s my job.”
“That skill will serve you well as an attorney,” I say.
She nods. “I’m not great with people, so sales isn’t my thing. Jesse and Rory help out on that end. They’re both much more outgoing than I am. Very charismatic.”
“Well, they’re performers,” I say. “Charisma is part of the equation.”
She nods.
I smile. “I think you’re charismatic.”
She blushes. God, my dick is hard.
“I tend to say the wrong thing. Every time. I never fail.” She takes a drink. “This really is delicious.”
“I haven’t heard you say the wrong thing yet.”
“Just wait,” she says. “It’s guaranteed.”
“So… Mom tells me you’ll be working with us.”
That adorable blush creeps into her shoulders this time. “Pretty presumptuous, wasn’t it? To just go to your mom’s office and ask for a job.”
“I’d say it was pretty courageous.”
“It was Rory’s idea. That’s the kind of thing she’d do. She’d get it too, with all the charisma.”
“Seems you got it.”
“I think your mom felt sorry for me.”
“She may have,” I say. “We all feel bad about the loss your family took with the fire. But even if she did, that’s not why she offered you work. My mom helps out whenever she can, but she won’t give out the city’s resources for no reason.”
She smiles. “I hope you’re right. At any rate, I’m going to do the best job ever. She’ll be glad she hired me.”
“I’m sure she already is. I know I am.”
Again with the blushing. Damn. I’m not going to be able to stand.
“I’d really like to help out as much as possible. I know it’s going to be mostly errands and office work, but if I could get in on an investigation or something… Oh, never mind.”
“Go ahead.”
“I don’t want you to think that I’m trying to get something because of…”
“Because of what?”
“Because of this, you know? You and me? If there even is a you and me.”
I meet her gaze. “I hope there’s a you and me.”
“Do you? I mean…”
“You’re kind of a legend around here, Donny. You do know that, right?”
I laugh. “A legend?”
“Yeah. You, Brock, and Dave. The Three Rake-a-teers.”
I nod. “I’ve heard that, but it’s mostly Brock and Dave.”
She laughs and shakes her head. “Rory actually came up with it. She and I were home for winter break during college, and we saw you, Brock, and Dave over at Murphy’s, charming everyone in a skirt. You were already a Snow Creek legend, and Brock and Dave were all of eighteen, but the three of you were relentless.”
A wave of embarrassment flows into me. It’s new. A little disconcerting. “You seemed pretty friendly with Brock and Dave last night.”
“That was all in fun,” she says. “Anyway, that night, Rory said, ‘there they go, the Three Rake-a-teers.’ Someone in the bar overheard her, and it stuck.”
“I can’t defend my past, Callie.”
She smiles then. “You can defend anything. You’re a lawyer.”
“I…” I pause, looking for the right words. “I don’t want you thinking of me that way. Like I’m some kind of womanizing team with Brock and Dave.”
She blushes. “I just mean… I want you to know I don’t expect anything. Okay? Not a job. Or an investigation. Or a relationship. Or anything.” She drops her gaze to her drink, her knuckles whitening against the margarita glass. “Crap. Told you I’d say the wrong thing.”
“Callie,” I say. “Look at me.”
She meets my gaze, her long-lashed amber eyes burning into mine.
“I know you don’t expect anything. I like you. I want to know you better. That’s all this is about.”
“I know.”
“Good.” I bite into a crisp calamari ring. “I’m glad you’ll be working with Mom and me, and I’ll do my best to get you some cool assignments.”
She opens her mouth, but I gesture her not to speak.
“And it has nothing to do with my feelings for you or how tonight goes. Got it?”
“Got it.”
“Good. Now have some calamari.”
Chapter Twenty-Eight
I’m a sucker for the dark suit, light shirt, and no tie look, and Donny Steel pulls it off better than any guy I’ve seen. I force my gaze from him from time to time, just to make sure he doesn’t notice my intense longing.
Then I stop myself.
I don’t want to play games with this man.