Page 22 of Spark (Steel Brothers Saga 19)
The server arrives with our baked ziti. I inhale the spicy tomato and cheese fragrance.
“Do you need anything else?” The server raises her eyebrows.
“I’m good. Ror?”
“Nope. Good here.”
“Will you guys be at the Steels’ party tonight?” the server asks.
“Yeah,” Rory replies. “We’ll be there.”
“I’m so excited,” she says. “It’s my first Steel party. I can’t believe they invited me.”
I smile. “They’re very generous.”
“I’m Nora, by the way. I met Ava over at the bakery. That’s probably why I got an invite. She was talking about all her hot cousins. Except one recently got married, but his brother…”
I lift my eyebrows. “You mean Donny Steel?”
“Yeah. The hot lawyer who’s moving back here. I can’t wait to meet him.”
Rory clears her throat. “All the Steel men are hot, Nora. And all are unmarried, except for Dale.”
“I’m kind of a sucker for blond hair, though. Ava says most of them are dark.”
My stomach is clenching. Yeah, it’s jealousy, which pisses me off. I’m really not the jealous type. At all.
Nora is blond herself. Platinum blond. And young. And clearly she stuffs her bra. Nineteen at most, I’ll bet.
“Are you new in town, Nora?” Rory asks.
“I’ve been here a few weeks. I’m surprised I haven’t met either of you. It’s such a small town.”
“I’m Rory Pike, and this is my sister Callie.” Rory holds out her hand.
Nora takes it. “Ava mentioned you guys. You’re the music teacher and singer.”
Rory nods.
“And what do you do, Callie?”
“I work with Jade Steel at the city attorney’s office.” I’m shocked at my own words. They just tumbled out without any thought at all.
“Oh! So you know the Steels.”
“Yes. Plus our ranch is adjacent to theirs,” I say.
Nora’s blue eyes widen, the pupils nearly encompassing her blue irises. “I’m about ready for my break. Can I join you for a minute? Tell me everything.”
“I’m sure you got the scoop from Ava,” Rory says.
“Sort of. But she’s their cousin. It’s not like she’s going to tell me how hot they all are.”
Oh, God. This so isn’t happening.
“How old are you, Nora?” I ask.
She smiles. “Just turned twenty-one last week.”
I hide my surprise. The chick looks like she’s barely out of high school. At least the Steels don’t have to worry about serving her alcohol. And the Steels serve a lot of alcohol.
“All the Steels are great,” Rory says. “But all the men are older than you.”
“Not a problem for me.”
“It may be for them,” I say. “And Donny’s the oldest, except for his brother, who’s married.”
“How old is he?”
She beams. “I think older men are crazy sexy.”
“Henry Simpson,” Rory says.
I raise my brows at my sister.
“He’s Marjorie Steel’s son,” Rory continues, “and he’s blond, blue-eyed, and gorgeous.”
Rory, I totally love you. If you ever need a kidney, I’m your girl.
“Henry, yeah. Ava did mention him when I told her I prefer blond men.” Nora frowns. “But she said he has a girlfriend.”
“I heard they broke up,” I say.
Yeah, it’s a lie. I don’t feel bad about it.
Well, maybe a little bit, but I’d rather have Nora chasing Henry than Donny.
Nora looks down at her watch. “Break’s over. It was totally awesome meeting you guys. I’ll see you tonight!” She flounces off.
“Somewhere there’s a guy with a huge butterfly net and a rock-hard dick looking for that woman.” Rory laughs.
“Nice try with Henry,” I tell her.
“I’m pretty sure he’s still with Darlene,” Rory says.
“I know. This will be a monumental test of their love.”
“You just don’t want her chasing after Donny.”
“Really? Am I that transparent?” I say sarcastically.
“Callie, you have it all over that fluttering blonde.” Rory smiles. “And tonight’s your chance to prove it.”
Chapter Fifteen
“Spill it,” I say to my brother.
I’ve managed to steal him away from the winery for a quick lunch in town. We sit in a booth in the back of the Bluebird Diner, a Snow Creek staple.
“Couldn’t this have happened at home?” Dale says.
“Ashley might be there.”
“I know she’s your wife and you have no secrets, but I want this between us. At least for now. I love your wife, but I hardly know her.”
He nods. “Okay, got it. But if she asks, I’m telling her. She and I have this thing between us called trust.”
“Dude, I’m happy for you. I really am.”
“It’s crazy. I never thought this would happen for me. I thought I was too fucked up.”
“I hear you. I worry about that too.”
“Sure I do. Why do you think I’ve never had a serious relationship? I just deal with it differently than you do. I have a lot of sex. You did a lot of yanking hank.”
My brother chuckles. Actually chuckles.
“Man, marriage has been great for you. A couple months ago, that comment would have pissed you off.”
Dale smiles. “You’re right. And I’ll tell you, it’s been nice to give the hand a rest.”