Page 61 of Freed (Steel Brothers Saga 18)
I doubt it, though.
“I booked us at the Beverly Hills Hotel,” Dale says. “You need some pampering tonight.”
“It sounds lovely, but I shouldn’t leave her alone. Not right after the funeral.”
“Which is why I booked her a small suite as well. She needs some TLC.”
“You’re wonderful,” I say, “but she’d probably rather be here.”
“No problem. She has a choice. It’s there if she wants it. And if you want to stay here, of course I understand.”
“Trust me. I want to be with you. I want to go home with you tomorrow.”
He nods. “You’re already on my flight, but it can be changed if she needs you.”
I nod against his chest, relishing in his warmth. His strength. “You’re the best.”
He kisses the top of my head again.
Then I lead him to the couch where I’ve been sleeping. “My mom will be gone for another hour,” I say temptingly.
“Say no more.” He bends me over the couch and slaps my ass right through my shorts.
Already I’m hot for him. Hot and ready and so needy.
I hate being this needy, but my mother has zapped me of all my energy. I need a fresh infusion of Dale.
Within seconds, he’s stripped me of my shorts and panties, and then he’s inside me, as I lean over the couch, letting the friction of the upholstery jolt my clit with spark after spark after spark.
“Yes!” I cry out. “Fuck, yes!”
He thrusts harder and harder, and I revel in being taken, being fucked.
His hand comes down on my ass cheek when he pulls out, and the tingle shoots through me as he slices through my barrier once more.
The pain. The pleasure. The ultimate escape.
I jerk into a climax, and I rise, rise, rise…out of this place and out of this grief.
So good, so very—
The front door opens.
A gasp.
From my mother or me, I’m not sure.
“Christ!” Dale pulls out, turns, and then oofs as he zips himself up. Luckily our backs were to the door, though Mom probably got a good peek at Dale’s very fine ass.
I grab the afghan from the back of the couch and wrap it around my waist.
“God, I’m so sorry,” Mom says.
“You were supposed to be gone another hour,” I say, trying not to sound angry.
“I just… I couldn’t get into the massage, so we stopped after the facial. I guess I should have called.”
“Don’t be silly,” Dale says, his cheeks red. “This is your home. We should have been more…discreet.”
Being any more discreet would have put us in Mom’s bedroom, and just no. I can’t have sex in my mother’s bed. Sure, I’ve had sex in public places, but I have to draw the line somewhere.
“Please don’t make a joke about a candy wrapper,” I say.
I expect my mother to chuckle. It’s been our joke since that fateful day when she saw the used condom on my bedroom floor at our old place.
She doesn’t, though. I haven’t heard her laugh since Dennis died. Understandable.
Dale lifts his eyebrows, his cheeks still red.
“Private joke,” is all I say, wishing for all the world that a hole will open up and swallow me.
“We should get some lunch,” Dale says. “What’s this In-N-Out Burger I’ve heard so much about?”
“You’ll hate it,” I say.
“Why do you say that?”
“Because I doubt they source their beef from Steel Acres.”
He smiles. Sort of. He’s really embarrassed. “I’m not a beef snob.”
I swat his arm lightly. “Are too.”
“Okay. I admit it. A beef snob.”
“And a wine snob,” I add.
“That goes without saying. Willow, care to join us?”
“Yeah, Mom. You should.” She hasn’t eaten more than a crust of bread since we got home.
“No, thank you. I’m not hungry.”
I bite my lower lip and plead at Dale with my eyes.
He lifts his eyebrows.
I plead with my eyes again.
Finally, he says, “We both really want you to come.”
She sighs. “I just can’t. I need to rest before the service.”
“We’ll bring you a burger.” Maybe that’ll get her to eat. She loves In-N-Out Burger.
“Sure, whatever,” she says before heading to her bedroom.
“I’m worried about her,” I say to Dale.
“She’ll be okay. She just needs time.”
“I know. I should stay here for a while.”
“I understand.”
“But I don’t want to, Dale. I want to come home. With you.”
He goes rigid for a moment.
“What’s wrong?” I ask.
“Nothing. If you need to stay, then stay. I understand. Family first.”
“But you’re my family too.”
Again, the tension flows off him in waves.
What’s going on?
I can’t give it thought right now. I must get through this service for my mother’s sake.
I’ll worry about Dale later.
An ominous feeling drapes over me.
After a service for a man I hardly knew and an awkward meeting of his mother and various other relatives, Dale and I head to dinner at the restaurant where Dennis worked as the pastry chef. Mom finally relents and joins us. Dennis’s family all had a gathering and didn’t invite either of us. Bitchy of them, but Mom doesn’t seem to care.