Page 49 of Freed (Steel Brothers Saga 18)
“Which means…”
“Which means there’s so much money they never need to know any exact numbers.”
My stomach churns. This is crazy. I’m rich. Rather, my husband is rich, but that means I’m rich too.
“I never imagined,” I say.
“It’s hard to wrap your head around. Ask my mom about it sometime. She had the same problem when she married Dad.”
“So I’ll never have to worry about money again.”
“I don’t want to sound like a spoiled brat,” Dee says, “but I’ve never worried about money once in my life. I’m sorry you’ve had to.”
“I’m pretty sure I’m in the majority. Most people worry about money at one time or another. Right now, the Pikes are probably worried.”
“We’ll take care of the Pikes.”
“I know that, but doesn’t that bother them?”
“Why would it?”
Dee doesn’t get it. She grew up around all this. The Pikes are probably feeling like a charity case at the moment. She won’t understand, so I push it no further. Instead, “I want you to know that I really love Dale.”
“I know that, silly. I’ve known that since I saw the first look pass between you two the first night we got home.”
“Love at first sight, huh?” I say, smiling.
“I never thought it was possible. For Dale, I mean. Well, for you, either.”
“I don’t think it was for him,” I say truthfully. “Though… We did kiss that first night when he drove me to see the vineyards.”
“Ha! I knew it! That’s really unlike Dale.”
“It’s the real thing, Dee,” I say.
“I know that. No one’s been able to drag Dale to the altar, and believe me, they’ve tried.”
“Really? He told me he never had a real relationship.”
“He didn’t. He sure had a lot of women chase him over the years, though. You can count Callie Pike in that number.”
My eyes pop open. “Callie Pike? The one who’s been monopolizing Donny all night?”
“Yup. She had it bad for Dale for years. She used to come around all the time when we were younger.”
“She’s too young for Dale.”
“She’s a year older than you are, Ash.”
My cheeks warm.
“Hey, I’m not giving you shit. My parents are ten years apart. It’ll work.”
“I’m not worried about that. But Callie… She’s gorgeous.”
“She’s no prettier than you are.”
She is, but I don’t say this. It doesn’t matter, anyway.
“If Dale were interested in Callie, he’d have done something about it way before now.”
“Brendan told me people used to think Dale might be gay.”
“It crossed my own mind a few times, but never for more than a minute. He dated every now and then, and sometimes he’d disappear for a week here and there. Women would call here, looking for him. He’s just a loner. Until now.”
“Oh, he’s still very much a loner. It’s who he is.” I clear my throat. “Dee, how much do you know about Dale’s and Donny’s lives before they came to the ranch?”
“Not much. I don’t ever think about it, honestly. They were here before I was born, and they’re my brothers.”
“I know that. But how did your parents come to adopt them?”
“Their mother passed away.”
“I know that much.”
“They needed a home, and—”
“Dee,” I say, “your mom was only twenty-five, and she adopted a ten- and seven-year-old while she was pregnant. There has to be a reason.”
“When you put it that way…” Dee wrinkles her forehead.
“I’m not trying to pry.” I laugh. “Okay, I am. But I love your brother, and he never talks about his life before he came here.”
“This is going to sound ridiculous, but none of us ever think about it. Like I said, he was here when I got here. He’s always been my brother, and I love him.”
“Yeah, I get it.”
I do. Dee doesn’t worry about Dale’s life before he became a Steel, because to her, he’s always been a Steel.
Perhaps I shouldn’t concern myself with it either.
Except that Dale almost told me on our wedding night.
And his birth father just turned up, only to die within weeks of meeting his sons.
Something’s up with all of that, and I wish I knew what it was.
Not because I’m curious—though I am—but because I want to help Dale through it.
He’s hiding something.
Something that I fear may take him from me.
I can’t let that happen. Ever.
Chapter Thirty-Five
“Your mother will have a fit if we stay in here too long,” Dad says to me, sitting behind the desk in his office.
“I know, but there’s some stuff I need to know.”
“I’m married now.” I shake my head. “Sometimes I can’t believe I did this.”
“Honestly, Dale, neither can I, but I’m glad you did.”
“I’ve known her for a month. Less than a month, even.”
“You know when you know,” he says. “That’s how it was for your mother and me.”
I nod. “I hope it wasn’t a mistake.”
“Why would you think that?”
“She doesn’t know about me, Dad. So I need to ask you…”