Page 41 of Awakened (Steel Brothers Saga 16)
We all do, for that matter. Hard ranch work is good for the physique, but Brock is the only one of us who likes to show his package to the world, as if it’s on sale.
Normally I don’t give a rat’s ass, but tonight, Ashley seems to be buying.
I managed to steer clear of her earlier when we were having dinner. Now, the pool is full, and everyone—with a few exceptions, myself included—is suited up and ready to splash. Uncle Joe loves the water, and he’s the first one to dive in.
“Not swimming?” my mom asks.
“Not feeling it,” I say.
“Me neither.” She smiles and sits next to me on a lounge chair. “But you should be with the young people.”
My mother is actually only fifteen years older than I am. She’s ten years younger than my dad and was twenty-five when Donny and I came to the ranch. I’ve always admired her for agreeing to adopt us at such a young age. Diana’s twenty-five now. I can’t see her as a mother to a ten-year-old.
Funny. In another life, my mother and I might be friends.
In this life? We struggle.
She doesn’t say anything more. She used to try to force conversation between us, but she doesn’t anymore, which I appreciate. Now, she’s content to just sit with me, maybe say a little, but not force it.
My relationship with her is better for it.
I try not to stare at Ashley.
She’s radiant in a white bikini, and it doesn’t escape my notice that she and Brock look like they’re ready to shoot a commercial for tanning lotion.
He’s already glommed on to her, which isn’t surprising. What is surprising is that Donny’s staying away from her. Since no one was expecting him and we haven’t seen him for several months, each member of the family is vying for his attention, which keeps Ashley off his radar.
Or not. I’m not buying. Even with the family pawing at him, Donny would still find time to pursue a pretty girl. Is he seeing someone in Denver? No. He would have told me. Is Ashley not his type? No. She has tits and a pussy. She’s his type.
Strange, but I’m not going to fight it. I’m glad my Don Juan brother is keeping his distance. Not that I have any hold on Ashley. Not that I plan to.
I lie back and close my eyes, the voices of my family strangely comforting. I don’t have to see Ashley if my eyes are closed. I can simply relax.
Until someone nudges me.
I open my eyes. My mom has vacated the spot next to me, and now my uncle Ryan sits there. “You ready for the toast?”
I sit up. “What toast?”
“To Diana, of course. I’ve got our best sparklers on ice. They’re just as much yours as they are mine. Let’s pop them open for your sister.”
“I think you can handle all that, Uncle Ry.”
He stands and then pulls me up beside him. “You’re my right-hand man. Come on.”
I love Uncle Ryan. I do, but damn, he’s always so jovial. Always smiling or laughing. I guess that’s a good thing, but it’s not me. Not at all. It’s odd that of all the Steel cousins, I—the one who has the least in common with Uncle Ryan—am the one to follow in his footsteps.
I follow him now, over to the table set up poolside. Five bottles are in ice, and flutes are arranged in a figure-eight design. We hastily pop all the corks and fill the flutes.
Ryan holds up a glass. “Hey, everyone, come get some bubbles!”
Amazing that they all stop and listen. Ryan has that effect on people. He can easily make himself the center of attention.
Once everyone is out of the pool and holding a glass, I expect Ryan to begin. But it’s my father who takes the lead.
“To our Diana,” he says. “Mom and I couldn’t be more proud.”
I bring my flute to my lips, but Dad keeps talking.
“And to Ashley. Welcome to the ranch. Our home is your home.”
Ashley smiles, and for a second, our gazes meet.
“To my sister!” Donny bellows. “You’ll kick major ass in Denver, Sis.”
When I look back over at Ashley, she’s locked in a gaze with Speedo Brock. Damn you, Donny.
Not that I want to be locking glances with Ashley. Of course I don’t. No matter what happened between us this morning, our relationship is a professional one and nothing more.
Although she doesn’t know why, she can’t handle anything more.
And neither can I.
I make a point to talk to Diana once more before I sneak back to the guesthouse.
I’ve had enough of the Brock and Ashley show for one night.
I already know how this movie ends, and I don’t need to see it.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Dale leaves.
I see him because I haven’t taken my eyes off him all night. Oh, I’ve been coy about it. I haven’t let him see me watch him. Only a few times have our eyes linked. But I’ve not let him out of my sight for more than a few minutes at any one time, even when his cousin is flirting boldly with me.