Page 52 of Legacy (Steel Brothers Saga 14)
The events beginning with Murph’s death had me on edge. I looked at everyone with skepticism and doubt.
In my head, everyone was a suspect.
I’d quickly learned to trust no one.
I poured myself a cup of Mom’s coffee and walked to the living room.
“Mr. Steel.” One of the officers stood and held out his hand. “I’m Officer Will Grant. We spoke on the phone.”
I nodded.
The other officer stood. “And I’m Fred Ericson.”
I shook both of their hands.
“How is your wife?” Ericson asked.
“She’s doing as well as can be expected. Please, sit back down. We have a lot to talk about.” I turned to my mother-in-law. “If you don’t mind, Lucy, I need to speak to the policemen alone.”
She stood, looking visibly relieved. “I think I’ll go to bed. This has all been a bit…much.”
“I want some privacy,” I said to the officers. “Please follow me.”
I led them to my father’s office. No, my office. For the last month, it had been my office. I was the Steel in charge now.
I knew it. I just didn’t always feel it.
I took a seat behind my father’s desk and directed the officers to sit down across from me.
“I have a lot to tell you,” I said. “So let’s start at the beginning.”
Chapter Forty-Two
“Daphne”—Mazie peeked into the bedroom—“phone call. It’s Patty. She wants to make sure you’re okay.”
I nodded. “I’ll take it in here.”
I hadn’t heard the phone ring. I’d turned off the ringer once Joe drifted off to sleep. Now, I rolled over to Brad’s side of the bed, where the phone was, and picked up the receiver.
“Hi, Pat.”
“Daph, Ennis and I have been so worried.”
“Brad came home.”
“Thank God! What does he think?”
“I don’t know. He’s talking to the police now.”
“Keep us posted, okay?”
“I will.”
“And if you want to cancel the dinner tomorrow night, we understand. You have a lot going on.”
“Are you kidding? Having dinner with my only two friends in the world is the one normal thing in my life. Don’t you dare not come.”
“All right. We won’t miss it. Love you.”
“Love you too. Bye.”
I hung up the phone and leaned back over to check on the baby. He was so beautiful. He didn’t have that wrinkled newborn look. No. My little dove was perfection personified.
“I’ll protect you,” I said out loud as I lightly laid my hand on his sleeping body. The movement of his little chest as he breathed comforted me. “I’ll always pro—”
A scream lodged in my throat. Something had come through the window, and shattered glass lay everywhere. I scanned the room wildly. A rock lay on the floor.
A piece of glass nearly the size of my hand had landed on Jonah’s back.
So close to his little neck.
My heart raced wildly, and my skin prickled with fear.
This time I screamed.
The crash hadn’t woken the baby, but my scream did.
I froze. I had to hold my baby. But glass. Glass everywhere. Shards. Big shards and tiny shards.
“Daphne!” Mazie came running in. “What was that?”
I opened my mouth to respond, but nothing came out. Nothing except another blood-curdling scream.
Mazie snatched Jonah out of his cradle, the large piece of glass falling onto his small mattress.
“What in the world? Brad! Brad! Come quick!”
“Where is he?” I finally squeaked out.
“In the office with the door shut.” She handed Jonah to me. “I’ll go get him.”
“A rock.” I pointed. “Someone threw a rock through the window.” I gulped. “It could have… It could have landed on the baby. The piece of glass. It almost… My baby. My baby.” I cuddled little Joe to my breast as he continued to wail. “Please don’t hurt my baby.”
“Honey, he’s okay. We’ll find out who did this. The police are still here. I’ll get them.”
“My baby, my baby…” I repeated the words again and again.
“Brad!” Mazie shrieked. Then she ran out of the room.
Time passed in a haze. I held my baby and tried to calm him to no avail. Finally, I unbuttoned my shirt and tried to nurse him.
He resisted at first but finally latched on and calmed down.
My baby. Had to protect my baby.
Brad stormed in then. “Daphne! Are you okay?”
Two officers followed him. My breast was exposed, but I didn’t much care at the moment.
“Mrs. Steel, what happened?” Officer Grant asked.
Again, I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. The words were in my head, but I couldn’t seem to get them out of my throat.
“Daphne, please,” Brad said. “Tell us.”
“A rock. A rock came through the window. A piece of glass hit…the baby. Brad, our baby!”
“God! Is he all right?”
“I got him calmed down. It landed on his back.” I gasped. “It didn’t cut him.”
“Thank God. You and little Joe get out of here.”
Officer Grant picked up the rock. “How long ago?”
“I don’t know.” I gulped. “Not long.”
“Get in the squad car,” he said to Ericson. “See if you can find whoever did this. I’ll stay here and take the statement.”