Page 33 of Legacy (Steel Brothers Saga 14)
Everyone else was someone Brad knew, including my half brother, Larry.
I’d met them all the prior evening at our rehearsal dinner, but honestly, other than Theo, who I’d already met once before—his eyes were a normal brown this time—I couldn’t tell you who any of them were.
I’d meet them all again after the wedding, when I wasn’t as nervous.
My father approached us, wearing a white tuxedo with a black bow tie. White tuxedos were in right now, Mazie had said.
I’d okayed it, even though I thought black was classier.
“Daphne”—he cupped my cheek—“you look radiant.”
“That’s probably sweat, Daddy.” I tried to smile. I’d thrown up fifteen minutes earlier in the powder room.
“Nonsense. It’s that glow of being a bride, plus the glow of impending motherhood.”
I didn’t respond. My heart was in my throat.
Was I ready for this?
Didn’t really matter. The little dove was coming. According to my doctor, the pregnancy was progressing perfectly. Plus, I couldn’t love Brad Steel any more than I already did. He was my destiny. I knew it without question.
I just never thought part of my destiny would be to be pregnant and getting married at eighteen.
I’d wanted a few years to be independent, to prove to myself that I could exist in the real world and not succumb to anxiety and depression.
Too late now. I had to be strong, not just for myself, but for Brad and little dove.
Someone knocked on the door.
“Come in,” I said.
Patty entered. She wore vibrant yellow, a color I’d insisted on. Mazie had wanted me to carry her pale-green tulips. I held out for yellow. Nothing about this day was going to be drab and colorless.
“It’s time, Daph.” She smiled. “You look amazing.”
“I feel like I’m going to hurl.”
“Need some crackers?”
“God, no. Nothing. Please. I can’t even think about food.” The elaborate spread Mazie had ordered for the reception—complete with roast baron of Steel beef—would be lost on me.
“Honey, if you can’t do this right now, it’s okay,” Dad said.
I swallowed. “It’s not that. I want to do this. I just feel…” Nausea crept up my throat. I ran into the bathroom.
Dry heaves were the worst. Of course they were dry heaves. I hadn’t eaten anything. Between morning sickness and nerves, I couldn’t.
At least I wouldn’t screw up my hair and makeup. I wiped the last of the saliva from my lips and left the bathroom.
“Daph?” Patty said.
My father took my hands. “Okay?”
“Nothing different from every other day,” I said. “It will pass. Let’s just do this.”
“Are you sure?” Dad asked.
Why did people keep asking me that? Of course I was sure. I’d never been surer.
“Yes, for the last time, I’m sure. This is what I want, Daddy.”
“Okay, honey. Let’s go.”
“Dearly beloved,” the minister began, “we’re here on this beautiful day to witness the joining in marriage of Bradford Raymond Steel and Daphne Kay Wade. If anyone present knows why these two people should not be joined in holy matrimony, let him speak now, or forever hold his peace.”
Brad went slightly rigid beside me. The seconds stretched into what seemed like hours.
But no one spoke.
Had he been expecting Wendy? How could he be, when she was locked in a mental health facility? They didn’t just let you walk out of places like that. I should know.
Finally, the minister continued. “Do you, Bradford, take Daphne to be your wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”
Brad smiled at me. “I do.”
“And do you, Daphne, take Bradford to be your husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”
“I do,” I said, willing my voice not to shake.
“The rings, please.”
Rings? We had rings. Of course we had to have rings. With everything else going on, I hadn’t thought of any of that. Brad—or at least Mazie—apparently had, thank goodness.
I lost track of the words as Brad placed a ring on my left finger. Diamonds sparkled in the sunlight. It was beautiful.
Patty then handed me a simple gold band. I trembled as I placed it on his finger, repeating the words the minister said.
“With this ring, I thee wed.”
“By the power invested in me by the state of Colorado,” the minister said, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. Brad, you may kiss the bride.”
Brad grabbed me and pulled me to him. He crushed his lips to mine in a powerful kiss.
Our first kiss as husband and wife.
And it was a doozy.
I was already light-headed from nausea and nerves.
This kiss took me over the top.
My body wavered, and if Brad hadn’t been holding me, I no doubt would have fallen.