Page 31 of Legacy (Steel Brothers Saga 14)
I couldn’t help giggling. “Brad, they don’t have the kind of money—”
“I’ll take care of it,” he said.
“Thanks.” I had no idea what he thought he would do, but I trusted Brad. He’d take care of it.
I did trust him.
Which meant I had to tell him what I’d found.
“I went into your room today.”
“Yeah. I wanted to lie on your bed. It smells like you.”
He laughed. “That’s sweet.”
“If it’s sweet, why are you laughing?”
“I don’t know. It’s cute.”
“I saw something.”
“A stack of manila envelopes on your desk. The top one had Wendy written on it.”
“I didn’t open it. I would never do that.”
“I know that, Daphne.”
“But I did ask your mother about Wendy. Why didn’t you tell me you had her committed?”
“I didn’t want to upset you. You know…because of your history.”
“I’m not upset. I’m glad she’s gone.”
“Good. So am I. She won’t bother either one of us again.”
“I promise, baby.”
I heaved a sigh of relief. “What’s in the envelope?”
“Just some documents about the facility where she is. It’s in Grand Junction.”
“That’s what your mom said. I wish she were farther away.”
“I do too, but her parents want to be able to visit her.”
I patted my belly, thinking of my little dove. I hadn’t even met him yet, and already I knew I’d treasure him and would always want to be able to see him, no matter what. “I guess I understand that.”
“But don’t worry, baby. She won’t be a problem. I’ve taken care of it. I’ll always take care of you and our baby.”
I warmed all over. “I know you will. Thank you for that. I love you so much, Brad.”
“I love you too. I’ll see you back home on Sunday.”
“I can’t wait. I miss you.”
“Miss you too. I have to run. Bye.”
“Bye.” I replaced the receiver and walked to the kitchen.
Mazie sat at the table, sipping a cup of tea. “Everything okay with Brad?”
“Yeah, he says they’re both fine.” I sighed. “I miss him.”
“So do I, honey.”
I kissed her on the cheek. The action was out of the blue. I was never that forward, but I’d grown to love Mazie in a short time. “Thank you for everything,” I said.
“You’re most welcome. Thank you for giving me a grandchild.”
“It’ll be a while yet.” I smiled down at my belly. “But he’ll be wonderful. I know it.”
Chapter Twenty-Five
Tom Simpson lived in Boulder with his new wife, Evelyn. He was a first-year student at the University of Colorado Law School.
I didn’t tell my father where I was going. Just said I had some stuff to take care of. He’d nodded and told me to take his car. I’d taken my truck instead.
I pulled up at the small house Tom rented near the school. He should be home on a Sunday.
We needed to talk.
After Tom, I’d contact Larry.
Then Theo, if I could find him. He moved around a lot and was always a question mark.
I walked up to the door and knocked.
His wife answered the door. “Brad. Hi.” She looked a little pale.
“Hey, Evie. Are you okay?”
“Not in the slightest. Come on in.”
“If you’re sick, I don’t want to bother you.”
“You won’t bother me. I’m sure you’re here to see Tom.”
“Yeah, I am.”
“I’ll get him for you. Have a seat.”
I sat down on the green couch and waited. Tom came in a few minutes later, followed by his wife.
“Did you tell Brad the good news, Evie?”
“Oh. No, I didn’t.”
Tom smiled. “We’re pregnant!”
Oh. That explained why she looked like she was going to lose her breakfast. “Congratulations!”
“Ugh,” Evie said. “I’ll be happy when the first trimester is over. I feel completely awful.”
“I know what you mean,” I said.
“How could you possibly know?” she said.
“Oh, sorry. Not me, of course. My girlfriend. Er…fiancée.”
“You’re fucking kidding me,” Tom said. “Wendy’s pregnant?”
“God, no. Not Wendy. I’m sorry I’ve left you out of the loop. Daphne Wade.”
“Not Larry’s kid sister?”
“Yeah. We met at school, and well…you can guess the rest.”
“Are you going to marry her?”
“I am.”
“Marriage isn’t for the faint of heart, dude.”
“You think I don’t know that? I watched my parents’ shitty marriage.”
Evelyn swatted Tom’s arm. “Don’t give marriage a bad name. We’re very happy,” she said to me.
She didn’t look happy. She looked like—
“Excuse me!” She clamped her hand over her mouth and ran out of the room.
“Poor thing,” Tom said. “She’s sick as a dog. I don’t have to tell you that this came as a surprise. We weren’t planning to start a family until after I finished law school.”
“I hear that one. Ours was a major surprise, especially since I used a condom.”
“No shit?”
“No shit.”
“Do you at least like her?”
“More than that. I love her, man.”
“So you and Wendy are over for good this time.”
“Yeah. It’s been a long time coming, but I’m glad. She was becoming…hard to control.”
He guffawed. “No one will ever be able to control Wendy. She’s hot as hell, but damn, I’m glad you were the one saddled with her. Theo and I talk about that all the time.”