Page 58 of Fate (Steel Brothers Saga 13)
I scrambled out of bed quickly, grabbed her, and pulled her into my arms. She struggled against me, but I held her firmly. “Shh. It’s okay. You’re here with me. No one is hurting you. Shh.”
She continued to struggle for a few seconds more and then melted into me. “Brad? What happened?”
I kissed the top of her head. “You were screaming, telling me to get away from you.”
“No, no. I wasn’t.”
“You were.”
“I mean…I wasn’t telling you to get away.”
“What was going on?”
“I’m so sorry you had to see that. It’s a nightmare. I have them sometimes.”
“Come on.” I led her back to the bed. “Tell me.”
“I can’t.”
“Daphne, you can tell me anything.”
“That’s not what I mean. I actually can’t. I never remember the nightmares.”
“You don’t remember who was trying to harm you?”
She shook her head. “Never. I don’t have them as much anymore. I guess I should have warned you, but I didn’t know we’d sleep together.”
“You fell asleep, and I didn’t want to wake you. You looked so serene and peaceful.”
“It’s not your fault. I should have—”
“Baby, it’s not anyone’s fault.”
She nodded. “I’m a little embarrassed.”
“Don’t be.” I kissed her forehead. It was moist with sweat. “I won’t let anyone hurt you. Ever. I promise with everything in me.”
Chapter Forty-Three
“Daph, where have you been? I’ve been worried sick!” Patty grabbed me in a hug after Brad dropped me off the next day.
“I meant to call, but time got away from me. I went to Brad’s ranch for the weekend. I should have left a note. I’m sorry.”
“I was really close to calling your parents.”
“Oh, God. I’m glad you didn’t.”
“If you didn’t show up today, I was going to. I actually went over to Sean’s place. He had another girl there!”
“I’m sorry, Pat.” Except I wasn’t surprised. Sean didn’t seem the one-woman type, though Patty didn’t seem the one-man type either.
“Yeah, he’s a pig. But he said Brad was away for the weekend as well, so I thought maybe the two of you were together. Didn’t seem like you, though.”
“It wasn’t really like me, but I never gave it a second thought. As soon as Brad asked me, I knew I’d go. His ranch is gorgeous, and the little town is so quaint and lovely. I met his dad and one of his old friends. I saw another side to him, and I loved it.”
“So are the two of you…”
“What? Dating?”
“Well…yeah. And…”
My cheeks warmed, and though what had occurred between Brad and me was private and I didn’t especially want to confide in a girl I’d only known for a week, I couldn’t help a small smile.
“You did!” Patty exclaimed.
I nodded shyly.
“No longer a virgin. That’s great! And for Brad Steel to be the one. Yum!”
“It was amazing,” I said.
“It’s great, isn’t it? Once you get past that initial pain.”
“I didn’t have any pain.”
“Really? I didn’t have huge pain. Some of my high school friends said it was the worst, though.”
“Is it normal to not have pain?” I asked.
“Oh, probably. Did you ride a bike a lot?”
“When I was younger I did.”
“You probably broke your hymen on a bicycle seat a long time ago. No biggie. Plus, you use tampons, right?”
I nodded.
“Just consider yourself lucky. Brad Steel and no pain. I’d say that’s a winner!”
“I don’t have any complaints. It’s happening so fast, though. I never imagined it this way.”
“It is fast, but go with it, Daph. Enjoy it while it lasts.”
“Do you think it won’t last?”
“He’s young.”
“He’s twenty-two. That’s older than we are.”
“It’s still young, especially for a guy. Don’t get me wrong. It’s obvious he adores you. I wish a guy would look at me the way Brad looks at you.”
I smiled.
“I don’t mean to get too personal, but…”
Too personal? I’d already shared the most personal thing that had ever happened to me with her. “Go ahead.”
“What did you use for birth control?”
“He used a condom.”
“We need to get you to the university health center. You should go on the pill.”
Chills erupted on my skin. The health center? Patty had no idea how I felt about hospitals or doctors or health centers. “Why?”
“So he doesn’t have to use a rubber anymore. Men hate them.”
“Oh.” I didn’t want Brad hating our time together. “Okay. I’ll go over sometime next week.”
“The sooner the better. I’ll go with you if you don’t want to go alone.”
I was tempted to take her up on it. I hated the idea of going alone. But if I was mature enough to have a sexual relationship, I had to be mature enough to take care of birth control on my own. “I’ll be fine.”
For the first night since I’d been at school, I didn’t see Brad. He called and told me he was taking care of some business for the ranch, so I went with Patty and two of the other girls on the floor to dinner at the cafeteria and then to a movie on campus. Afterward, we went to the Cage for a drink.