Page 29 of Fate (Steel Brothers Saga 13)
Brad cleared his throat. “Penny for your thoughts.”
No way would I tell him what I’d actually been thinking about. “I think this is the most amazing home I’ve ever been in.”
“You should see our main house on the ranch. Makes this place look like a tiny cabin.”
I wasn’t sure what to say to that, so I said nothing.
“Maybe you can come home with me sometime. I’d love to show you around the ranch. You could see the animals.” He smiled. “Make sure we’re treating them properly.”
That got a smile out of me. How I’d love to see Brad Steel’s ranch. How I’d love to see his animals.
“Do you have any pets?” I asked.
“We have a couple labs, one black and one chocolate. Ebony and Brandy.”
“Gorgeous names,” I said.
“They’re awesome. Do you have a dog?”
“No. I’ve always wanted one, though. My mom’s allergic.”
“That clinches it then. You have to come visit the ranch. You can get your dog fix.”
He wasn’t really inviting me to his ranch. We barely knew each other. But maybe… Someday…
He took my hand.
Sparks shot through me.
“Come on. Let’s go back to the kitchen. I’ll fix us some drinks.”
I held up my other hand. “I’m still not sure I’m ready for alcohol after the other night.”
“No worries. I have all kinds of soda. Do you mind if I have a drink?”
“As long as you’re able to drive me home.”
“Not a problem.”
The kitchen was beautiful. All black appliances, including the refrigerator, and gorgeous countertops that looked like white marble streaked with gold.
Brad pulled a beer out of the refrigerator for himself. “Coke, Fresca, Sprite. What’s your pleasure?”
“Fresca, please.”
“Have a seat.” He motioned to the barstools set up at the kitchen island and set a can of Fresca in front of me.
“Thanks.” I sat down.
He took the chair next to me, opened his beer, and took a long draught. Then he looked at me as if he were memorizing every inch of my face.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said.
I looked down, embarrassed, my cheeks warming. “Thank you.” Then I took the sliver of courage that came to me unexpectedly. I met his gaze. “So are you.”
He chuckled softly. “You said that the other night.”
“Well, it’s true. There’s such a thing as male beauty, and you definitely have it.”
His cheeks pinked slightly. I’d embarrassed him! It was adorable, almost. Brad Steel could never be described as adorable, but this was pretty close.
“Thank you,” he said. “I look a lot like my mom. She’s got dark hair and eyes like I do. My dad has dark hair, but his eyes are blue.”
“He must be striking,” I said. “I’ve always loved blue eyes with dark hair. I always wished my eyes were blue.”
“Are you kidding? You have the warmest brown eyes I’ve ever seen. They dazzle. They’re perfect.”
My eyes weren’t perfect. Nothing about me was perfect, but when Brad told me I was beautiful, that my eyes were perfect, I almost believed him.
If this man thought I was perfect, and if I wanted a relationship with him, I owed him the truth.
The whole truth.
But not tonight.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Damn, I wanted her.
I wanted Daphne Wade in my bed, her lush body beneath mine.
I wanted her more than I’d wanted anything—any woman—in my life.
I could make a move. I was good at “the moves.” I’d never been turned down. Besides Wendy, I’d had many others, mostly just sex. One or two I’d cared about.
But nothing like this.
Daphne Steel affected me like no other woman ever had.
Yeah, I was young. Only twenty-two. Who found a soul mate at twenty-two? It sounded ridiculous in my head, even though I knew the truth of it.
This woman—this young, untried woman—was my soul mate.
Don’t ask me how I knew. Don’t ask me what “soul mate” even meant.
But it was as real to me as the woman sitting next to me. Real. And true.
And scary as fuck.
I’d never had to go slow with a woman. Could I? Didn’t matter. I had to. If I wanted Daphne, I’d go slowly. No ifs, ands, or buts.
I took another sip of my beer and trailed one finger over her forearm. I smiled when goose bumps erupted on her soft flesh.
“Tell me what your dreams are, Daphne.”
“I…don’t know. I haven’t chosen a major yet. I’m going to take my requirements and—”
I pressed two fingers against her soft lips. “Not your major. What are your dreams?”
Her forehead wrinkled for a few seconds. Then, “To enjoy the little things. To take life one day at a time.”
Hmm. Interesting answer. I couldn’t find any fault with it. “You don’t have anything you really want to do? Have you thought about how you want to live your life?”
“With love,” she said. “One day at a time, with lots of love.”
“God, Daphne.” I couldn’t help myself. I cupped both her cheeks and pressed my lips to hers.