Page 39 of Insatiable (Steel Brothers Saga 12)
“You’ll be comfortable here for the night. Alex will stay here with you. Dave and I have other things to attend to.”
Dave wasn’t coming back. Shit. He’d eventually realize his phone was missing.
Crap. What if Dominic tried to call Dave and the phone rang in Colin’s crotch?
Had he thought to put the phone on silent? I wasn’t sure, because the thought hadn’t occurred to me until this very moment.
Trust. Again, I had to trust Colin. He was a smart man, even though he’d been through horrific times. Horrific times didn’t erase intelligence and cunning. It hadn’t for Talon. I had to believe it hadn’t for Colin.
If Dave was gone for the evening, Dominic and Alex would have no reason to call him.
Nothing I could do about it, at any rate.
“You two will have to share a room,” Dominic said. “There’s a bed, and everything is clean and comfortable. It’s connected to Alex’s by a door. That’s the only way out. The windows are barred, so you’ll have to get past Alex if you’re thinking about running.”
“Let’s just tie them up and be done with it,” Alex said.
“No. Our orders are to keep them comfortable here.”
“Fuck the orders,” Alex said.
“You’re getting more like our brother every day,” Dominic said. “You want to switch sides? Say the word.”
“No. I don’t want to switch sides,” she said with sarcasm. “I’m just tired of dealing with these privileged little fucks.”
I was a Steel, and Colin came from a privileged background as well. After all we’d both been through, though, I had a hard time thinking of either of us as privileged.
“I’ll need access to a bathroom,” I said.
“Alex will take you if you need to go,” Dominic said.
“So I’m reduced to being a babysitter. Taking the little toddlers to go pee pee.”
She sighed. “Sorry.”
I held back a scoff. Bitch wasn’t sorry at all. If she hated this line of work so much, why was she in it? Why did she let Dominic run the show? She put on a tough act, but maybe she wasn’t so tough after all.
I intended to find out.
“All right,” Dominic said. “I’m out of here. I’ll be back in the morning with your breakfast. Dave might get here before me, if he finishes—”
“Shouldn’t we have heard from him by now?” Alex interrupted.
Dominic looked at his watch. “I’ll call him from the road.”
Alex nodded, and relief swept through me. Now Colin would have time to silence the phone if he hadn’t already—assuming he could do so without being seen.
“You two behave yourselves,” Dominic said to us.
“Sure, Dad,” I said dryly.