Page 13 of Insatiable (Steel Brothers Saga 12)
I opened my mouth to complain but then shut it. I’d take what I could get. I could still run with my hands tied. Plus, I had to see Colin. Let him know I was here for him.
Dominic quickly unbound my ankles and pulled me into a stand. “Go with Dave.” He pointed to the other guy.
Dave was tall and thin and clearly not related to Dominic and Alex. He was fair and blond where they were tan and dark-haired.
“We’re not here to hurt you.” Dave guided me out of the room, touching my elbow.
I whipped my arm away. “Don’t you lay a hand on me.”
He nodded, and I followed him into another room. The lights had been dimmed.
“The brightness seemed to bother him,” Dave said.
Colin was lying on a couch in a fetal position, his legs and wrists bound as mine had been. Why would the brightness bother him? Then it struck me. He was reliving his captivity with Tom Simpson. He’d been kept in the dark, most likely bound as he was now. Tom probably turned on the lights when he… I didn’t want to think about what he’d done.
I approached him tentatively. “Colin.”
He whimpered. “No more. Please.”
“Colin, it’s me. Marj.”
“Please,” he said again. “Just let me go. My father will give you whatever you want.”
Yeah, he really was reliving his former captivity. Today’s Colin wouldn’t expect any help from Ted Morse.
“You’re not there anymore. You’re okay. No one is going to hurt you.”
In fact, Dave seemed to be concerned about Colin’s well-being.
“Please. I want my clothes back.”
“You’re dressed, Colin. No one took your clothes.”
“Why are you doing this?” he asked. “Why? Why me?”
I touched his face, but he jerked away.
“It’s me. Marj. Marjorie Steel.”
“Leave me alone! Please!”
“Look at me,” I said. “Just look at me.”
He opened his eyes wider, his pupils dilated from the darkness.
“Turn on the light,” I said to Dave.
“He won’t like it.”
“Just do it. He needs to see my face.”
Dave flipped the overhead light on, and I squinted against the invasion to my vision. I touched Colin’s cheek once more. This time he didn’t flinch.
“Look at me. It’s me. Marj.”
His eyes widened farther. “Thank God! Get me out of here.”
“You’re not in that basement, Colin. My brother Joe rescued you. Remember?”