Page 129 of Insatiable (Steel Brothers Saga 12)
I nodded, knowing he couldn’t see me. “I want to talk to my brother.”
“He’s driving.”
“So? I am too.”
“No, you pulled over.”
How did he know?
“I know you,” he said before I could ask. “You wouldn’t put Jade in any potential danger. That’s how I knew you weren’t the one texting.”
“I’m pretty sure my brother can walk and chew gum at the same time. Put him on, please.”
Some rustling. Then, “Hey, sis.”
“I just want to remind you that you have a newborn baby and a wife who adores you.”
“You think I ever forget those two things?”
“Well…you’re walking into a situation without thinking it through, as usual. How do you know this isn’t Cade Booker screwing with you?”
“Mills and Johnson found Booker, and we’re going to—”
“What if the phone call was a fake?”
“It was their number. And it was Trevor Mills’s voice.”
“And Booker could have been holding a gun on him. Just be careful.”
“I always am.”
“I know. But this time you have the love of my life with you.” I closed my eyes, unwilling to let an emerging tear fall. “Please.”
“We both know what’s at stake here, Marj. I have a family, and so does Bryce. We get it.”
“Just don’t be a hothead.”
Stupid words. Words had no effect on whether my oldest brother went into “Red Joe” mode. But he did love his wife and son. I knew that as well as I knew anything. Bryce loved his son as well.
And he loved me.
“Just be safe,” I said. “Both of you.”
Chapter Forty-Nine
“I suppose she has a point,” I said. “Booker could be deceiving us.”
“It’s possible. But is it enough to make you not go?”
I shook my head. “Hell, no. We need answers, and I aim to get them. Today.”
“One way or the other. If it is a trick, we know he’ll be armed in at least three places, which is why I’m armed in two. You?”
“Right there with you.” I patted my shoulder holster and pointed to my ankle. “How much longer?”
“About ten miles. Mills says they’ve got him in an old ranch house just outside the Belldore property.”