Page 11 of Insatiable (Steel Brothers Saga 12)
“Who? Where’s my mother? And why haven’t you untied me? This is illegal, you know. Kidnapping. Assault. Battery. False imprisonment. My brothers will see you both behind bars.”
Alex scoffed.
“Yeah, you, you dumb bitch.”
“Dom, if she calls me that one more time—”
“You’ll what?” I said. “Tie me up? Abduct me? Uh…I think you already did that.”
“I’ll crush your damned skull,” she said.
Alex looked like she meant business. She was olive-skinned and dark-haired like her brother. She was also just as muscular.
“Easy, Alex,” Dominic said.
“I don’t have to take shit from this spoiled rich girl, Dom. That wasn’t part of this deal.”
“What do you expect when you take someone? She’s pissed.”
“This is for her own good,” Alex spat back.
“Hello?” I said. “Still tied up here. I’d love to see how you’d act if someone kidnapped you and tied you up. I don’t remember anything until I woke up in the trunk of the car.”
“I told you. You were in the back of a van.”
“Am I supposed to thank you for that? It sucked. What did you do? Drug me? And who was in there with me?”
“I’ll untie you,” Dominic said, “if you’ll hear us out.”
“I’m not sure you’re the one who should be making deals,” I said.
“Oh?” Alex said. “Seems like you’re tied up and we aren’t. Of course we’re the ones who should be making deals.”
“My brothers—”
“Aren’t here,” she said.
“They will be.”
“They will be,” Dominic said. “We’re counting on it. And when they get here, I think they’ll agree that this is the safest place for you.”
“Was this all part of your plan?” I asked. “Train me for my company at lunch? Huh?”
“Marjorie, if I were interested in holding you captive, why would I train you? Make you stronger?”
Okay. A decent point. But I still wasn’t buying.
“So you fake credentials to be a trainer, and—”
“Okay, I didn’t go to UCLA. I don’t have any college degrees, but I am a good trainer, and I do coach baseball, though not right now. Those two things just aren’t my primary income source.”
“No, I’m sure you’ll make a lot more when you demand ransom from my brothers.”
“Oh my God,” Alex said. “Is this worth it? To put up with her shit? Let’s dump her back where we found her. Give her a little roofie to forget she ever saw us. Anything is better than this.”
“Alex, I’ll ask you again to put yourself in her shoes. We just took her against her will. She’s pissed, and she has every right to be.”