Page 97 of Ravenous (Steel Brothers Saga 11)
I watched his perfect ass as he walked off. He was built like a male model, but then, so was Bryce. And I much preferred a male ass in regular jeans than in workout spandex. Still, I was flattered. No reason existed that I could see why I shouldn’t still train with Dominic. I’d pay him, of course. Ruby didn’t have time to work with me, so I needed a good trainer.
Now I had one.
I set the timer and started my workout.
I guzzled from my water bottle and wiped my face with one of my towels as I made my way down to the women’s locker room. I’d pinned the key to a towel, so I—
“Shit,” I said aloud.
My locker key was gone. It must have fallen off. I retraced my steps back to the machine I’d been using. No key.
No biggie. I stopped at the front desk, and a clerk with a master key walked with me to the locker room and opened my locker. After she left, I checked my purse and wallet. Everything was still there, and nothing seemed amiss. Clearly I just hadn’t pinned the key securely to the towel. I checked my watch. Fifteen minutes until I was supposed to meet Dominic downstairs. Time enough for a quick steam and shower.
The steam room was my favorite. I loved inhaling the steam perfumed with spearmint and eucalyptus, even when I didn’t need to clear my sinuses. After five minutes, I felt relaxed—as relaxed as I was going to get, anyway—so I took a quick shower and dressed in some jeans and a cardigan I’d brought along.
Dominic was waiting at the front desk, as he’d promised. My hair was wet, and I’d pulled it up in a sloppy bun on top of my head. I wasn’t out to impress any man except Bryce Simpson.
Still, Dominic said, “You look amazing.”
I laughed. “Wet hair and all. Thanks, I guess.”
“Just telling the truth.”
Should I mention my relationship again? I didn’t want to seem repetitive. I kept quiet as we headed to the smoothie shop.
I’d eaten breakfast, but I was always ready to eat after a workout. He didn’t try to touch me again as we walked the few buildings to the shop.
“I’ll have the vanilla raspberry,” I told the clerk.
She looked to Dominic.
“These are separate,” I said.
“Oh, sorry.”
I paid quickly and found a small table by the front window. Bryce was on the ranch at his first day of work, but why should I hide anyway? This was completely innocent.
Dominic finished ordering and sat down across from me. “What are you up to today?” he asked.
Good question. What was I up to? So many things swirled in my mind, none of which I could tell the man sitting with me. Before I could think of something to say, our smoothies were ready. Dominic went to get them and then brought them to the table.
I sucked the fruity goodness through the straw.
“I’m working this afternoon,” he said.
I nodded. Was I supposed to react to that?
Unease swept over me. Something didn’t feel right about being here, and it went beyond the fact that I was now committed to Bryce.
Dominic was as af
fable as I remembered, and nothing seemed out of place at the shop. Yet I couldn’t shake the niggling like little insects underneath the skin of my neck. It was creeping me out.
“I lost the key to my locker,” I heard myself saying without knowing why.
“Oh? Did you find it?”
“No. The desk clerk had a master key and opened it for me.”