Page 64 of Ravenous (Steel Brothers Saga 11)
“To spend some quality time with your son. We’re leaving for Florida in the morning.”
“Already? I didn’t think you’d—”
“Vicky was ecstatic when I mentioned we might be coming. They’re still struggling, Bryce, so I decided to make the arrangements. It’s costing a lot at the last minute like this, but Vicky sounded distraught.”
“Don’t worry about money, Mom. I’ll get my first paycheck soon enough.”
“Anyway, come on home, please. I’ll make a home-cooked meal for you and Henry.”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can.” I ended the call and turned to Joe. “I’ve got to go. My mom and Henry are leaving for Florida tomorrow.”
“Okay. That’s good.”
I rubbed my jawline, easing the stressful ache there. “Yeah. It’s good. And it’s not good. I’m going to miss my son like crazy, but I need him and Mom away from this mess until we know what’s going on. He’s just a baby, and if anything happened to him…”
“Nothing will happen,” Joe reassured me. “He’ll be safe with your mom in Florida. Believe me. I’ve thought many times of sending Melanie away somewhere since this all crept up again.”
I couldn’t help a chuckle. “I doubt she’d go quietly.”
“If I told her it was important, she’d go,” Joe said. “She would trust me.”
“Why don’t you, then?”
“Selfish reasons. I don’t want to miss the birth of my child.”
I nodded. “I get it. I do.”
“If it gets worse, I’ll send her off.”
“Let’s hope it doesn’t get worse, then.”
After we ate my mom’s meat loaf and mashed potatoes and Henry and I played for an hour, I read him a book and tucked him into his crib. He was such a sweet little guy. I’d miss him so much, but he’d be better off in Florida—at least for now.
Not just because he’d be away from all the mess here, but also because I wasn’t in any shape to be the father he deserved.
Not only would I figure the whole Justin Valente thing out, I also made another promise.
I was going to get the help I needed.
I owed that to my son. He deserved the best father out there, and by the time he returned, I’d be well on my way.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, but I could at least lay a foundation.
I left the nursery and found my mother packing in her bedroom. “Putting things from boxes into a suitcase,” she said. “Unbelievable.”
“Tell me about Aunt Vicky,” I said. “What’s going on?”
“She didn’t get into specifics. Apparently she’s okay, but now Chase is regressing. He stayed strong for her, and now that she’s doing better, he’s letting go.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“I’m going for Vicky. She needs me. But honestly, Bryce, I’m not sure it will help Chase to have me there. I’m his son’s murderer’s widow.” She winced.
I nodded. I didn’t have to say anything. I was the devil’s spawn. At least she didn’t have any blood relation to him.
“We’ll see. If it doesn’t work out, Henry and I will come home, but I’m determined to give it at least a week. Vicky deserves that much. I just feel…”
“I know.”