Page 45 of Ravenous (Steel Brothers Saga 11)
I understood all too well.
I held the sharp blade in my hand, regarded its shape against the light skin of my palm.
My friend.
Always could count on my friend for relief.
I shed my shoes and workout leggings quickly until I stood only in my green cotton panties.
The scar was still red and jagged. Yes, red and jagged…but healed. No scabbing. No oozing. It was totally healed.
These are my friends.
My friend.
I grasped the blade between my thumb and first two fingers and slowly lowered it to the scar.
I let the coolness of the silver blade sit against my flesh for a minute as I savored what was to come.
My friend…
Then I sliced into my flesh.
Chapter Fifteen
The trainers’ office was empty. I stood for a few minutes until a young woman entered.
“Sorry to keep you waiting. What can I help you with?”
“I’m looking for your new trainer.”
“Dom? He’s with a client right now. Are you interested in booking a session?”
“I’m not sure.”
“Are you looking for something specific in a trainer?”
“Just want to get in shape.”
“I can probably help you.” She held out her hand. “I’m Amber.”
“I’m sure you’re great,” I said, “but I’d feel comfortable working with a male trainer.”
“I understand. Dom should be done in a few minutes if you want to wait. Or I can grab Sal or Mel for you.”
Dom, Sal, and Mel. Sounded like the gym mafia. “I’ll wait for Dom if that’s okay.”
“Sure enough. I’ll send him in when he’s done.”
Amber walked out, her tight behind wiggling slightly. Yeah, she was cute and had a hot little body. Her auburn hair was attractive too. But
like Heidi, she did nothing for me.
No woman—other than Marjorie Steel—would ever turn me on again.
I took a seat and pulled out my phone. Might as well check a few emails while I waited. I grabbed my wallet for the card Joe had given me last night. Time to see what the Spider was up to, if anything. I typed in the address and the password, and—