Page 145 of Ravenous (Steel Brothers Saga 11)
Had Justin survived?
And if he had, where was he now?
I frantically dialed Joe.
“What the hell do you two want?” Larry Wade said.
I’d accompanied Joe to the prison to see his half uncle. He didn’t look good.
“Get into a fight?” Joe asked.
“What the fuck do you care?”
“I don’t. Serves you right, and it’s still not even a down payment on what you did to my brother and those other kids. I imagine child molesters aren’t looked too favorably upon by other prisoners.”
Larry said nothing.
“Today, Uncle Larry,” Joe said, “you’re going to tell us the names of those other two abductors.”
He shook his head. “Nope. I’m afraid I’m not.”
“What the hell do you care? The DA is offering a good deal. And you’re already getting your ass kicked in prison. Look at you.”
Still, he shook his head. “I can’t. And I won’t.”
“What if we’re willing to sweeten the pot a little?” I asked.
“With what? If I walked away from the Steels’ money, what makes you think you have anything to offer me?”
“My father’s the mayor of Snow Creek. He can talk to the governor. Maybe get you a pardon.”
Joe turned to me. “What the fuck?” he said through clenched teeth.
“What’s the problem?” I said. “You want to find out who did this, don’t you?”
“Not at the expense of letting this asshole free. Hell, no.”
Larry chuckled. “I can guarantee you one thing, son. Your father won’t do shit for me.”
“How can you say that?” I asked. “He appointed you as a city attorney when you needed a job.”
“There were special circumstances there.”
“Like what?”
“Confidential special circumstances.”
“Just as well,” Joe interjected. “Because, Bryce, we’re not letting this asshole out. I don’t care if the president himself wants to pardon him. I will not let it fucking happen. Absolutely not.”
“Calm down, Joe,” I said. “I didn’t know you would freak out this way.”
“This scumbag molested my brother. This scumbag molested and killed your cousin.”
Larry started to speak, but Joe silenced him with a gesture.
“How could you possibly think I would be okay with getting him pardoned? Not only does he deserve to be in prison for life, but also, what if he got a pardon and then he got out and molested another kid? Maybe your kid?”
I went cold. “Okay. It was just a thought. My father probably wouldn’t do it anyway.” My dad was a good man. He’d never pardon anyone who didn’t deserve it.