Page 91 of Breathless (Steel Brothers Saga 10)
Still, though, she deserved so much better than I had to offer.
Just thinking about her had my dick hardening again. She was here. I was here. Technically this could count as the same time. I could wake her gently and slide my cock into her once more.
She looked so serene and peaceful, though. How could I wake her just to get my rocks off? That’d be pure selfishness.
Then again, this entire evening had been pure selfishness. I’d slept with her knowing very well that it would never happen again, that I’d never be able to have a relationship with her. I’d slept with her when I should have been home with my mother and my son after Ted Morse had shown up at our home. I quickly texted my mom, apologizing for the late hour. I breathed easier when she texted back that everything was fine.
I sat down on the bed and trailed my hands over Marjorie’s sleeping body. She stirred, opening one eye.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
She sat up abruptly. “What time is it?”
“A little after midnight.”
“Oh my God,” she said, jumping from the bed. “The boys. Talon. Jade. Their dinner. Crap!”
“I think they probably ate without you,” I said.
“But I make dinner for them. That’s part of how I’m helping while Felicia’s gone. I’m supposed to— Shit. Where’s my phone?” She turned on the light.
We both flinched against the visual intrusion. She pawed through the clothes on the floor until she came up with her smartphone.
“Three texts from Talon. He’s wondering about dinner.”
“I’m sure he figured something out. He’s a big boy.”
“What am I going to tell him? How could I be so selfish?”
“You’re li
ving your life for your brother and his family. You are the least selfish person on the planet. We all know that.”
“But the boys. Jade. They were counting on me.”
“You’re not an indentured servant, Marj. They made do.”
I went to her and gathered her into my arms. “It’s okay.”
She melted into me. How could this amazing woman even consider herself to be selfish? I was the selfish one. I’d taken everything she’d given me, knowing full well I couldn’t return it. I kissed the top of her head once more.
Then her hand clamped around my erection.
“I’m sorry.” She let go. “I feel like a piece of crap right now, having let my brother and the others fend for themselves, but you’re hard. You’re so hard. And I want you.” She dropped to her knees.
“God.” I clenched my teeth.
She wrapped those beautiful lips around my cock and slid them back and forth. Then she moved away. “I’m doing it again. Being selfish.”
Selfishness be damned. I was ready to say anything, do anything, to get her mouth on me again.
That was truly selfish.