Page 58 of Breathless (Steel Brothers Saga 10)
“Hi, sweetie,” Marj said to Henry. “Do you remember me? I took care of you a couple times.”
Henry rewarded her with a sloppy grin.
“Well, look at you!” Marj exclaimed. “You’ve got your top front teeth! You’re such a cutie!” She turned to my mother. “He’s so beautiful.”
“Looks a lot like Bryce at that age. Towheaded and those amazing blue eyes.” She sighed. “Just like Tom.”
Marjorie tensed a bit but didn’t say anything.
“Mom…” I began.
“There’s no denying it,” my mother said. “I don’t mean to make
either of you uncomfortable, but Bryce, you look so much like your father did at your age. I have an old photo of Tom as a baby around here somewhere. Put his, Bryce’s, and Henry’s baby photos in a row, and you’d swear you’re looking at identical triplets born three generations in a row.”
“Genetics are amazing,” Marj said. “Just look at my dad and Joe. And Talon, for that matter, though Joe resembles my dad the most. We just found out Melanie is having a boy, so I wonder if the same thing will happen or if the baby will come out blond-haired and green-eyed like his mama.”
“A boy! Little boys are just the best, aren’t they, Henry?” my mom said, kissing Henry’s cheek. “How is Melanie doing?”
“She’s great. She’s had a nearly eventless pregnancy, which is amazing for her age.”
“Forty isn’t that old,” my mom said. “I’d love to see forty again.”
“I know, and Melanie looks ten years younger, but her doctors say that forty is old in the reproductive world. This may be her and Joe’s only chance for a biological child.”
“Oh, goodness. Well, then, I’m thankful it’s been so easy on her. And Jade?”
“Not as easy,” Marj said. “But she’s hanging in there.”
“I was sick as a dog when I was carrying Bryce,” my mother said. “But the outcome is always worth it.”
“How is Jade doing now?” I interjected, feeling I needed to do something other than stare at the three of them as if I were invisible.
“She’s good,” Marj said. “I just saw her. Talon stopped in town to get her a smoothie.”
“Was something wrong?” my mom asked.
“Oh. You didn’t tell her?” Marj said.
Why hadn’t I told her? My mother loved the Steels.
“Didn’t want you to worry, Mom.” I quickly filled her in and then realized why I hadn’t told her in the first place.
I’d been intentionally keeping Marjorie at a distance, and Jade was Marjorie’s best friend. Talking about Jade made me think of Marjorie. Not that I wasn’t thinking about Marjorie pretty much twenty-four-seven anyway, but I had to try.
“I’m glad everything’s okay with Jade and the baby,” Mom was saying. “I’m going to feed Henry his lunch. Would you like to stay, Marj? I was planning to make BLTs with avocado.”
Marjorie fidgeted a little. Was I supposed to say something here? Did I look like an asshole if I didn’t?
“Yeah, please stay,” I said, trying not to sound too eager. Instead, my words came out monotonous, as if I were a robot.
“I just had a smoothie,” she said. “I’m not overly hungry, but thanks all the same.”
“Oh, no worries. I suppose a BLT is too simple for a world-class chef like you.” Mom laughed.
“I hope you’re kidding. I love BLTs.”
“Of course I was kidding, dear. You know you are welcome here anytime. All of you Steels are.”