Page 4 of Breathless (Steel Brothers Saga 10)
As if on cue, my stomach let out a roar.
Marjorie smiled. “Is that a yes?”
“I can’t. I just need to talk to Talon. It’s important.”
“Tal’s been working all day. I can guarantee you he won’t be in any mood for talking until his belly is full. Come on.” She walked toward the kitchen of the large ranch house.
I had no choice but to follow. My appetite hadn’t been great lately, but I couldn’t deny my hunger as I inhaled the rich beefy scent.
The kitchen table was already set, a clear vase filled with yellow flowers resting in its center. She removed the vase and set it on a nearby counter.
“These get in the way when we eat, but I love to have them around me while I’m working in the kitchen.”
“What are they?”
“Lilies. Asiatic lilies. The light yellow are my favorites, and Jenna rarely has them.”
“The florist in town.” She busied herself adding another place setting. “I make a ton of food these days. Even though Jade hardly eats a thing, Talon and those two growing boys eat like maniacs.”
“How’s Jade doing?”
“Sick as a dog, the poor thing. She’s resting now, but she’s a trouper. She spends time with the boys every day, and I make sure she eats enough to keep going. Doctor’s orders.”
“I don’t get it. Melanie wasn’t sick at all.”
“Pregnancy is different for every woman, apparently. Mel got lucky. By the way, did you hear the good news?”
“What news?”
“Melanie got her amnio results back. Everything is normal, and they’re having a boy.”
I smiled. The amniocentesis had been on Joe’s mind. Melanie was forty years old, an age where things could go wrong with pregnancy. “Why didn’t Joe tell me?”
“They just found out this afternoon. That’s why they went into town for a celebratory dinner.”
“That’s great news. Really.”
“I know. I’m so happy for them. I just wish Jade felt better.”
“Yeah. Makes me happy to know I’ll never have to go through it.”
She scoffed. “You men don’t know how lucky you are.”
I nearly scoffed back at her, but I held it in. I didn’t feel particularly lucky these days. Discovering that my father was a pedophilic psychopathic rapist had that effect on a guy.
“Where’s Henry?” Marjorie asked.
“He’s home with Mom.”
“You should bring him by. I miss him.”
“With this brood keeping you busy?” I forced a laugh. “How could you?”
“Because he’s adorab
le and I love him,” she said, her tone serious.